My expectation is that it will be a good - even great - game
My expectation is that it will be a good - even great - game
in fact, lead singer Luke Spiller’s voice is a dead ringer for Freddie Mercury’s
I frequent Gawker.
Nah, the use of “privileged” and “disgruntled” around these parts is dog-whistle for “white”, often used interchangeably or in conjunction with “white male”. But nice try.
You mean like how that brown student murdered a white UCLA professor because he felt entitled to a passing grade?
This tripe is why I’m counting the days until Hulk Hogan shuts you down and Jezebel writers are left scrambling for jobs.
He has a history of attacking women in his life? I think the reason so many people are shocked and disbelieving is that he DOESN’T have a history of attacking women. He has said he has rages and busted up a hotel room 20 or 30 years ago but attacking women in his life? No evidence of that at all. In fact three women…
I think a lot of the criticism originally stemmed from the fact that she said ‘agree to my terms or else I will go public with whatever - and do it in the next 48 hours or else’. When he didn’t budge and instead came out with his original - and only - statement, basically saying ‘bye bitch’ the abuse allegations came,…
At this point I would not be surprised if both Depp and Heard were abusive to each other. I think that lies and half-truths are coming from both sides. I have a small bet with myself, that when this goes to court, Depp releases photos showing where he was bruised by Amber.
It’s because she’s independently wealthy. And her reason for asking, in her own words, is because Depp is wealthy. Her own court documents portray her as a stereotypical golddigger.
I’m not saying that he is 100% innocent but I don’t think those incidents prove anything about Depp except that he can be violent toward inanimate objects and that he had some drunken brawls/doesn’t like paps. Domestic violence is a completely different matter.
Victim of what? Getting into an angry argument with your SO? There are no laws against being angry and breaking your own shit (since they were at a hotel, he did get in trouble). There are laws against hitting people. If you are telling me Johnny Depp isn’t a great person to date, sure, I’ll buy it. Instead, you…
No it isn’t. It might be emotional abuse, but violence against furniture is not violence against your significant other.
It looks like only one of them has a documented history of domestic violence.
He’s doing a guest spot on Gawker next week subbing for Jordan,
Hahahaha, “not exceptionally misogynist”! Am I supposed to ignore all of the misogyny and homophobia (I cannot even imagine what would have happened to this girl had she been a lesbian) in the Quran and treat Muslims with kids gloves because some orange cunt decided they were the perfect scapegoat to get him in the…
We’ve all heard the term “benevolent sexism” by now to describe supposedly chivalrous ideas, right? Yeah?
You know what scares me about some of our fellow progressives Nicole? When something like this happens, when some poor girl or gay boy gets ‘honor killed’ (which happens to thousands and thousands of kids throughout the Middle East), the mental gymnastics they do to not come off as bigoted scares the shit out of me. I…
Ahhh, that explains it. You get your history lessons from Jezebel.