Who Beefed?

Exactly. That’s why Michael Bay’s Transformers movies are considered high art and are immune to criticism, dipshit.

Because one quick gag during a montage in a film full of otherwise dry wit puts it on the same level of a remake which is a bunch of dumb slapstick throughout.

The article you linked to is severely out of date. The San Bernardino shooters alone pushed the rate of Muslim terrorist kills post-9/11 passed those of white right-wing extremists. It also leaves out the Orlando shooting, the deadliest mass shooting in US history.

No, that’s not what your figures show.

Alexandra Larsson, 17, told MailOnline that she had not seen exactly who had assaulted her at Putte i Parken.

Sure it is, buddy.

I’m pretty sure that Alone in the Dark defined survival-horror first. Hell, Resident Evil largely cribbed AitD’s gameplay, setting, art style, puzzles and even camera.

Jia Tolentino rails against white people complaining their race kept them out of their college of choice while unironically claiming her race kept her out of fucking Harvard.

You can literally type “update” into the search bar on the task bar and it comes up with “Check for Updates.”

“High-concept” doesn’t mean what you think it means. Snakes on a Plane is a high-concept film.

I didn’t say that but it certainly seems to be a catalyst and one that got a lot of attention.

Again, I don’t think you understand how Airbnb works since you referred to them as being a company “filled with racist assholes” because a user called someone a “nigger.” They even threw that guy off the site.

I don’t think you know how Airbnb works.

“Just saying ‘gee, sure seems like a lot of black guys are murdering people’ gets met with ‘FUCK YOU RACIST PIECE OF SHIT HOW DARE YOU SLUR ALL BLACKS.’”

And a common complaint leveled at Capcom fighters over the last several years has been that they severely lack content. Most of the criticism that MvC3 and UMvC3 got was that they had almost no content and they each had more than SF5 does.

You don’t get to have an opinion on this anymore.

This isn’t releasing on Xbox One. It’s on PS4 and PS3.

Well I really hope they’re being forced to use bathrooms. Don’t need them shitting on the floor.

So your defense of an objectively conservative, violent religion makes me a racist warmonger... or something.

“I’m not religious but I feel a reflexive need as a liberal to defend hyper-conservative belief systems because their followers are largely brown people.”