Counterpoint: there are a wide variety of learning disabilities, some of which would bear on this matter, others of which would not.
Hi, cop HuckleberryGin! Yes, I’ve heard it’s horrible - it is the same here in the UK, I think. I grew up in the US, and I’m sure if someone had called in on my parents (they should have) it would have taken weeks or more to do something about it.
*waves* Cop here! In most states, you can’t remove the children unless you have a court order or exigent circumstances exist to take them into protective custody. (Unfortunately, a black eye or other visible injury is NOT enough to remove a child without a court order. However, these injuries may aid in the case for…
Ugh, Zagora, I’m sorry that happened to you. I’ve had similar experiences with my own father — which is why I have a lower tolerance for neighbours just standing by doing nothing and then after everything blows saying ‘I knew it all along’. Blah. Sorry there are horrible people in the world, Zagora, and I’m sorry you…
Um, my conception of patriarchy is pretty dark.
There’s a chance somebody called the cops and the cops did nothing. I used to live next door to a woman with three children. The middle child was around 7 when we moved in. There were several times he had to knock on our door so he could call his mom and have her drive over and give him a key because he was locked out…
It’s really easy to ignore or even justify all the icky details of something like this. Hell, just yesterday I heard my mother making excuses for one cousin who (as an adult) molested another cousin (8-9 at the time I think). She didn’t think it was right that the victim wants nothing to do with the guy and they…
I’ve heard it described as “Philadelphia in the east, Pittsburgh in the west, and Alabama in between.”
It is a part of the story in the same way that gendered infantacide is part economics and culture where it occurs. Divorcing what these girls survived from the backward American faith that allowed it to happen would be a disservice. The Amish want to “pretend” it's the 1700s, and that's not all hand-ground flour and…
Part of it is referred to as “Pennsyltucky".
I trust that Zoe knows the landscape of the business she`s in and the challenges of getting a movie made with a woman of colour in general, especially when the character was a woman who would be considered `unattractive` by a still racist society. Was Zoe the best woman for the role? In a perfect world, no, most…
“I’d love to be in your movie, but you know, I’m just not black enough. Here’s a list of much blacker people you can call.”
I definitely agree with her having a long pause before hugh grant
Seriously — satire, right? This isn’t an actual personal essay is it? Please Lord, no?
“He once enjoyed being around me” is how I will now sum up every past sex experience with a gentleman bud.
So brave.
Is it weird, I think this is the best shes looked in a long time? Im not trying to be snarky, and Im a make up fan my self - but this look really suits her.
I like these articles because they make me feel like i’m not just getting old; there really are too many faceless interchangeable celebrities out there.