
How does the NRA give a political party money? Just straight-up contributions? And how is that money used. Can anyone educate me on the process? Also, that doesn’t seem like that much money to me.

Oh no. Poor ladybugs. I can commiserate. I need the opposite of this in my life right now. Losing my sex life after baby is making me a very very grumpy mama.

I have a really hard time with this too. My son is older than my daughter, and much bigger, louder, and more manipulative. I have a hard time differentiating normal sibling stuff (“the pecking order”) from abusive behavior. And I come away looking like I favor her alot because of it, leading to him disregarding me as

I think it legitimizes the whole situation in their minds.

It’s in the Bible.

Fuck yes to this entire article. Spot on, fierce, and wonderfully stated.

Zero surprise.

Oh my God. This is terrible. I’m so sorry.

I know where you live(d) ;)

I didn’t write it, but I get it. Mothers deliver babies out of our bodies, which then bleed and heal over the course of a few months. Some women choose to breastfeed babies and the health community asserts that this should be supported because it’s healthiest for all. So there is a very real physical component to

That sucks. Because when you go back, you’re surely going to need a day off here and there to take baby to check-ups, sick visits, and attend to your own health.

Dolly Parton



That sucks :( I’m dealing with this with my father, whose misogyny and super capitalism I could usually ignore as we went about our lives. But he’s actually a registered Democrat who is now pro-Trump. I can’t even look at him. I invited my mom over for dinner the other night and when he showed up with her, I was like

I think it’s time to hold sex strikes in these states.

Same, except you said it a lot more eloquently than I.

I work in a DC suburb and live even further out in a “bedroom community” of DC/Baltimore. People that live where I work, work in DC. People that live where I live, commute in to DC or Baltimore. People that work where I live, live in apartments, OLD farm houses, or are supplemented by a partner’s income in

Right?! As the custodial parent and sole provider of my children, if I subtracted the portion of my paycheck that goes toward my kids, there wouldn’t be much left either. That’s parenthood.

Sounds like you have had a really tough time of it and I’m glad it’s (mostly) in the past. I just wanted to say that I had a similar experience during my divorce. During that no-custody-agreement phase of separation, my ex left them alone at home (three under 6 yo) and was found guilty of neglect. But that was somehow