
Speaking to being direct and polite...people hate silence in conversation, use it to your advantage. When you’re negotiating something over the phone with a sales rep or someone similar, do not feel you need to avoid silence, it’s not a first date. Directly and curteously tell them what you want or respond to what

I’d send this to my mom if I didn’t think it’d send her into a passive aggressive build-up and eventual explosion.

“A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part”

credible evidence

I have a fiance I love and a new dog who looks like a walking teddy bear, but I have never in my life been as happy as you are just holding that towel. Teach me.

It amazes me that folks are so quick to jump on this no fly list bandwagon. To deprive an American citizen of their fundamental rights there has to be a legal reason, supported by facts. Believing in anti-American organizations or values is not a criminal offense. When mere suspicion can be used to deprive an American

I pretend liverwurst is pate.

This is all I can think of:

Occasionally I buy smoked salmon cream cheese when it’s on sale (because I can’t afford to buy actual smoked salmon) and that’s when I feel like I’m living a luxury life.

All my (wildest) dreams have come true!!! Tiddles diddles Hiddles... OMG <3

I have mixed feelings about this, but they are mostly about the existence of the draft itself, not about who registers.

The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense.

I had a full-term stillbirth and I related to so very much of this. I can’t even fathom being in a position where making a choice and being forced to jump through a million hoops to see that choice through were part of the equation.

Actually there was a paper on an HIV study that suggested that there isn’t usually sperm in precum. That’s not true of all men, and it’s definitely not true if you go to round two without peeing or cleanup, or if you’ve masturbated right before. But for many men, it is true, and for many situations, it does work. When

I can’t believe this woman had to go through all this. I had a very similar experience last year, had an abortion at 30 weeks because my baby had a severe tumor which was “stealing” blood from her brain. The tumor was both inside and outside her body, and it was almost double her actual size. She would have not

Maybe it’s time you embraced something new....With arms wide open.

The sad face sticker on the door really hit home for me.

So much warmth and healing to this brave woman (and her husband, and family). I’m commenting for anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation- I faced this particular choice last year (though lucky to be not nearly as far along- terminated around 15 weeks).

This is heartbreaking. I probably should have known better than to read it at work one day after the 10th anniversary of my first daughter being stillborn at 33 weeks, because now I’m crying at my desk.

I have my door shut right now, because I can’t stop crying. Jia - thank you for writing this. I recently had a very difficult pregnancy - spent 6 weeks in the hospital, and then had to induce 5 weeks early. I got lucky, and things worked out. But I can’t stop thinking how close it was. This easily could have been me.