This article tells us what happens when women have abortions that late. This is why late-term abortion needs to remain legal. Women are not deciding on a whim to have abortions at 32 weeks. It is done for medical reasons.
This article tells us what happens when women have abortions that late. This is why late-term abortion needs to remain legal. Women are not deciding on a whim to have abortions at 32 weeks. It is done for medical reasons.
fuck off
How selfless and incredible of this woman to share such a painful, heartbreaking yet insightful story. So much love going out to her.
Who wears workout gear to court?
As a longtime Bernie supporter, I am happy that we are finally ending our campaign with grace and allowing Hillary to focus on beating Donald Trump. Now that Hillary beat us fair and square, I have had some time to review her policy positions. It surprised me to find out that she is exactly the same as Bernie in terms…
The Olsens both definitely have a thing for vintage. Can’t blame them. Usually worth more.
I am strongly in favor of all political reporting being done in high school gossip girl fashion from now on, thanks!
It’s a shame, you know? This judge had such a bright judiciary career in front of him, it is just a shame that this one little verdict will mess up his entire future.
This should be a simple thing to understand. We can’t defeat ISIS without Muslim allies. If Trump’s hostility toward Muslims damages those relationships, then what happens? Will American ground forces have to be deployed in Syria? If that happens ISIS will get a surge in new members and we’ll all be worse off.
So Lean is basically the new sizzurp? I’m old, pregnant, and painfully white so I’m not up on what the kids are drinking these days. We just had Boon’s Farm. Those were simpler times.
Always know that I can trust a person who uses the term ‘lib’ to give a measured opinion full of nuance and thoughtfulness.
Pam Bondi: “I was defending the constitution”
It’s like Patton Oswalts bit. I’d rather have an ally who used poor phrasing than an enemy of he cause who knows all the terminology and uses it correctly to perpetuate their shitty values.
I bake “not a rapist” cookies every week and hand them out at the frat houses!! I think it’s a real deterrent! Boy does it suck to be the guy who doesn’t get his cookie that day. He will almost definitely try harder to earn one the following week. And I reward improvement too. Like I have a stash of “almost not a…
Its both again. Joe Biden is a hard working ally of women who has used his power to advance a lot of good, who needs to apologize for his treatment of Anita Hill and, occasionally, needs to shut up and let women speak.
Oh I don’t know.
Hey guuuuyz! Good news, you’re all contractors now!
I am so beautiful.... to me....can’t you see-eeee-eee.
I know a lot of people are hating on this whole thing - but I kind of love it. If this can turn his life around? Go get it.