Dear god, the cost.. the time..
Dear god, the cost.. the time..
I went from dark brown, to white, to fiery crimson at home for maybe $50. My hair was mid-back length. I just cannot fathom paying $700 for anything that isn’t a vacation.
I feel the same way. I used to cry and be shocked, and have goosebumps. And now. Nothing, just a total lack of surprise. It’s like you told me it’s going to rain tomorrow. And that is a tragedy that I am no longer affected. I think it’s because I don’t let it sink in anymore. I don’t think about the victims, and their…
I was 11 years old when Columbine happened. It was shocking, it was sad, it was enraging - I felt it all. I’m 28 now, and I no longer have feelings about shootings. I feel nothing. They’ve been a part of my life for too long. I’ve had 17 years of the news being peppered with phrases like “mass shooting”, “armed…
A ‘workplace incident’?! FFS.
we already are accepting of this. this has been the new normal for way too long. Obama was right, doing nothing is a choice and the USA has chosen to do nothing.
Especially in a Walmart.
Mind you:
Cole killed 8 people and Magee killed his wife and five year son with his two daughters watching. Shot one of them, too. Forgive me if I don't care.
Better than me: Two weeks ago, the night before my 30th, I went to the ER.
Though I see the obvious problem with for-profit prisons, in my experience the for-profit ones can be MUCH nicer than the government run facilities. I regularly deal with 4 different facilities and all the guys constantly ask to be transferred back to the one that is for-profit. The only problem I regularly see with…
The prison is privately owned/operated, but the state pays for the legal defense - not private company anything, but if they are forced to provide AC it would cut into the company profits
Yoko made a joke-o
discovered this account from reddit today
Did anyone even proofread this? The title is flat out wrong as is the 31 million deaths number.
There are 1.1 million days per year, apparently. There were about 33,000 gun-related deaths in the US in 2015, or about 9o per day. This includes suicides and accident/negligence as well as homocide.
In Japan, where gun homicides are even rarer, the likelihood of dying this way is about the same as an American’s chance of being killed by lightning
That is a phenomenal picture of Miss Danielle Brooks. Lord, she is pretty. Just five days until Taystee is back in our lives y’all!!