
Why should we even say or think ‘butch lesbians’? Do we put straight women into such rigid stereotypical caricatures? Isn’t this 2016?

So what? Two people aren’t best friends. Do I have choose sides, boycott someone and wear a stupid t-shirt now? Stop asking women about their opinions about each other all the time. Ask about whatever book or movie their promoting instead of pitting them against each other

We humans call it ‘sweatpants’!

I bet those dude beetles are happy with this arrangement. They get to meet their fellow dude beetles, talk shit, drink beer and watch beetle football on beetle tv.

There’s also a ton of infectious diseases out there. Why bother trying to cure them since people are going to die anyways? Shut down the CDC and medical schools is what I say.

He sounds and looks just as resigned and numb as I feel. This is the eighteeth time he’s had to make this kind of statement in his presidency. Eighteen times. God.

note to self - never buy White Girl Rose’

I can’t be the only one that thinks the name “Tanner” sounds like an Ivy League rapist name.

The lesson is that everyone has it worse than white dudes ... so they should shut up about inequality.

Justin Bieber kind of makes me sad. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of him with a genuine smile. I know they get money, fame, etc., but I really think these kids who make it big in show biz at a young age have a hard row to hoe.

She never got off.

It certainly was for me. I fucked around so hard because it helped me feel like I was regaining the power I felt I lost.

I think that promiscuity is actually a fairly common coping mechanism for sexual assault victims...

I swear to dog, if you dig down into these attitudes it always boils down to a modern day ducking. A woman, even if the only reason you know her name is because she was the victim of a crime, is only truly innocent if she dies. If she lives, she’s still a witch and it’s somehow all her fault.

I’ve lost two jobs solely based on the reporting of my case.

you can see the Flying Elbow Cop thinking “THIS IS IT! THE MOMENT I’VE TRAINED MY WHOLE CAREER FOR! THE PEOPLES ELBOW!!!!”

I’d be willing to bet the boys’ parents aren’t aware. My son is normally so sweet and on the sensitive side. I would have said that he never would say mean things to little kids who were bugging him. If that grandma in the park hadn’t talked to us, I never would have known. And, especially in kindergarten it’s hard to

As a mother of boys, this is terrifying. How do I fight against an entire culture that tells them they’re entitled to own a woman? That a woman making them feel bad is asking for it? It feels insurmountable some days. I don’t know how to ensure they treat women as humans. I do my best, and my husband sets a good

That’s so wrong that your property meant more than your safety to the police. It seems like, in general, police don’t want to get involved in DV so they discourage reporting along with a culture that can’t see men as victims of violence and can’t see women as worth protecting.