It is still a deeply messed up situation. My dad has a friend who got a twenty something women pregnant when he was 13. He was on the hook for child support. She was never charged with anything.
It is still a deeply messed up situation. My dad has a friend who got a twenty something women pregnant when he was 13. He was on the hook for child support. She was never charged with anything.
This takeout problem might be a very serious issue. Research has shown that one of the most important elements in various kinds of crucial decisionmaking is the length of time since the decision maker last ate. Studies of parole boards in Israel found that the largest single factor, more than the severity of the…
The guitar analogy is perfect.
The relationship age difference is like frets on a guitar. Sure frets 1 and 5, and 10 and 15 are the same number of frets apart, but the distance between 10 and 15 is a lot smaller than the distance between and 1 and 5.
As a goy I have a great Jewish geography story. I grew up in a pretty heavily Jewish neighborhood, so I had lots of Jewish friends as a kid. At one bat mitzvah I met this girl, and we totally hit it off and had a magical, romantic mitzvah evening. We exchanged numbers (this was just pre-email) but we never stayed in…
Duh, the real criminals here are the parents who dared to look away for a second. I’ve also been told by about a MILLION people on another thread that helicopter parents, not guns, are to blame for the UCLA student who killed their professor, then themselves. Don’t watch your kids close enough? Burn the witch! Watch…
I’ve known it to happen. You also have to keep in mind, it wasn’t just Vanessa. It was his kids too. It may have been the stability and routine of the whole family thing that kept him together.
I totally agree that a life changing event can push someone over the edge, I just disagree with the narrative that Vanessa was the one who kept him clean. Like she was his savior or something? I guess I just really hate it because I was in a relationship with an addict, and for a long time I thought I could be “the…
No, I agree with that... But it seems to have taken a much darker turn after they split... Just judging on how h looks and sounds alone. I’m just guessing, they had a family together, more at stake. Amber was young and had fewer responsibilities. And from my own experiences, partnering with an established addict at a…
It has. I believe that and I know that from the men I’ve met over the years.
I think, and I’m just spitballing here, that sometimes parents don’t want to believe that their child can be a victim of sexual abuse, so they convince themselves that he is not. On paper, of course, a 24 year old with a 13 year old is abuse, but MY 13 year old is in love and it’s different.
Thank you. Not “relationship,” either. Predatory behavior and grooming. And fuck that fucking family.
Not “sex.”
But his chest and stomach look like a scary alien face!
Yes, he does, until a family court judge terminates those rights. You have a Constitutional right to parent your kids as you see fit, providing you are not abusing or neglecting them. In cases of domestic violence, if a woman mentions that she is abused she is more likely to lose custody of her children than if she…
Seriously. Isn’t the potential for domestic violence supposed to increase during pregnancy? I’m pretty sure that’s what a poster on the wall of my room in the maternity ward said.
“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with.”
This guy’s lawyer says: “It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with.”
I realize people can and do have their problems with Hillary, but this is why I love her and always will: she is well aware that her political fortunes would be better if she would just shut up about women wanting and needing things, *and she won’t do it.*