
That “yet” so beautifully encapsulates the condescension men throw at younger women, regardless of their talent and professional background, that it should be framed and put in a museum.

Yes, absolutely. People who are actually incompetent are pretty rare. People who are overstressed and burnt out are much more common. And this is the truth:

Insanely, that is literally the law in the Old Testament, that a rapist has to marry his victim. Of course, that is also literally Bronze Age thinking, where women/girls are commodities and the idea was “you break it, you bought it.”

Except everyone is a wimp and will do what the boss wants and if someone stands up for themselves they’ll get fired and the other workers will say “Good riddance” while they get back to cutting each other’s throats.

Well that’s a load of bullshit. I’m guessing the reaction to the new salary test by many companies will be to try to make more of their formerly low paid salary works into contract workers. Of course, they won’t meet the legal criteria for contract workers. But until they complain AND manage find a government agency

When I was in high school, a girl in my freshman gym class was married. Apparently her mother had found out that she was sleeping with some 20something dude the summer before high school started and insisted that they get married or she’d have him arrested. The girl seemed cool with it at the time, and we were all in

That young lady is a tearing beauty.

This is so awesome. I got a little teary. I’ve just spent the last 15 minutes searching for an article that (I think) I read in the NYT about LTRs. the comments section is what got me. One woman said something along the lines of being bored of her husband and having growing resentment for him. On the morning she was

You know how, biologically speaking, we can all be traced to a few common ancestors? Societies have similar evolutions. In many ways,we can draw a straight line from America’s quirks (our puritanical notions of sex, our fetishization of hard work and its connected notion of a meritocracy) right back to Henry VIII’s

HOW. Does anybody. Still believe. That socialized medicine. Is a bad thing.HOW.

John Steinbeck:

The thing is, every journalist cowers to him now and it is so embarrassing to see our press be so damn weak. Stand the fuck up and have some integrity. He’s going to name call either way, so they might as well do their damn jobs.

I have a niece (by marriage) who has married two of my sister’s sons. She has a child by each of them. It’s weird. It makes for some seriously awkward family get-togethers.

Plus, people come into the country out of vaginas all the time without any kind of screening (except for, like, sickle cell), and lots of them turn out to be useless assholes.

Christ that's uncanny.

She didn’t say nothin’ about Mussolini.

“He’s gone through a wave of emotion, from being sad about his situation, being scared, being nervous, being bored at times.”

Except one.

Oh those courageous celibate little sisters of the poor and the BURDEN of their faith! How burdensome and miserable and chaste and faithful and poor they are, just like God intended. Do they throw rocks at eachother to celebrate the courageous miserable, horrific burden of their existence?

ok, but like you can’t join a global initiative to help the lives of women and girls and then turn around and oppress those same women and girls, so you can make money for yourself. That’s not how this works.