
Don’t you know?? They should’ve thought about that before they got pregnant! But they absolutely should not have an abortion. And it’s the right of the company to deny birth control coverage. And a woman who is married without children is not fulfilling her biological destination.

this tired literary and film device also reinforces simplistic thinking like this in “real life”. When involved in a lawsuit against an employer for sexually harassing me (amongst other types of harassment and discrimination), the defense was able to gain access to information that I had been sexually abused and

The horrible thing about Allen is that he does seem to respect and enjoy smart women — but ultimately doesn’t really want to fuck ‘em.

I will never understand why so many single mothers give their children the last names of the dads. When my sister had her first kid (18 and unmarried), my mom threw a shit-fit until she agreed to give the baby her own last name. I’ve seen it happen to cousins and friends; they give their baby the last name of a man

There’s nothing spiteful about a woman giving the child she just gave birth to her own last name. It’s messed up that 95% of children have just their father’s family name and that women have to comply with that norm or else face judgemental backlash.

I think it’s reasonable for people to ask themselves how they would feel if they got bothered every single time they went out in public anywhere. I can honestly say, no matter how great the fame or the wealth or whatever, I would not be happy if every time I walked out of my house, or went to dinner, I would not ever

If the same caliber of technology was available during the 70s, I doubt the worst thing you'd catch Jagger doing is pissing in a mop bucket.

So basically if a woman makes a stupid sexual choice in her early twenties with a much older male in a position of power over her, we can use it to attack the credibility of her beliefs in perpetuity? Sounds like slut shaming to me.

These people truly believe that they compelled by God to establish an American Christian theocracy. It’s batshit and terrifying.

My heart goes out to you.

Okay, but can we talk about the most important thing?

Also, I have no guilt because I have never felt that there is an ‘ideal’ parent. As a parent we just do the best we can... and then I see that some expect perfection and get all butt hurt when their idea of perfection isn’t met. It’s Special Snowflake Syndrome. Get over it and get over yourself. Your parents are

GAh. I’ve made a burner account so I can respond to the waves of self-pituing daughters out there who think their mothers, by dint of being as fucked up as the rest of us, somehow failed.

My mom was leaking amniotic fluid and was told she needed an emergency c-section. It was about 10 pm on June 30th and we were on MediCal, so if they operated immediately she would need to pay a deductible for June and then July. She asked the doctors to delay the surgery a few hours, they refused, so she checked

I had a completely uncomplicated vaginal birth and the initial bill was for over $40,000. I have to mention this any time the subject comes up because WTF? How is this even possible? With insurance it was also ~$2,500 out of pocket.

Babies come in four models:

Good luck getting any kind of medical cost estimate before any procedure or stay at all.

I’ve been a poor single working parent and an upper class married working parent, and imo upper class white married parents who are miserable are full of bullshit. On a daily basis, the worst thing parenting is 99% of the time is tedious. And yes at times it’s exhausting. But my kids were also fun and entertaining.

Don’t a lot upper-class whites (upper-class in general) complain about shit that the rest of us as normal and might actually appreciate? When you have no natural predators...job loss, low income, crime, police killing you, you have healthy food choices, you have life sercurity...you have to find some bullshit to

“she should meet his insults with a cheery silence”