
relax. you are overthinking it. all the things you are worried about is stuff society hoists all over us. if your wife wants a couple, and you think you can fix a bike a help with homework in the same night, you are good to go. You might have to wipe a butt and make some mac and cheese here and there. It was just as

Like, is that what being a parent is? Keeping them from dying and giving them support and love?

There is most certainly more going on with Brit’s mental state than the public is aware of, given that the last time we had information about her mental state, she was in the middle of a public breakdown which endangered her children. Since 2008, no information about her mental health has leaked. That is because her

I think that the mothers should apologize to this lady. While you/we were all getting free little bags of soft serve feces, internet dating was forcing this woman and her friend to drink margaritas by the pitcher.

I get the general icks from anything to do with reporting on this issue. This is a private medical situation for Ms. Spears, and it is none of our business, ESPECIALLY since she has not complained or tried to change the situation.

It’s one of those things moms don’t like to tell first time preggos about.

Sure, but every worker — childfree or not — was once a baby and child who needed parental care.

Though what you say is true, I think you missed the point of the article. The point is that maternity leave shouldn’t be the only way for a person to get a large chunk of time off of work. That childless/childfree women and working mothers have a common enemy in the corporate culture that doesn’t allow any of us (or

When.... I already have to submit medical records to get a small amount of pay for my maternity leave. 50% pay for 6 weeks.

You kind of already do. For any time off that is unpaid by the employer, an employee has to file for short-term disability and FMLA - all done through the employer. So literally my first day home from the hospital after having our son, my husband went into work to email my employer all of my documents that had been

The thing with opioids is that they are fantastic painkillers for acute, short-term pain. They are terrible painkillers, and are, in fact, counterproductive to pain relief, for chronic pain. But when your pain starts as acute (like with a surgery, or injury) and develops into chronic (like when complications develop,

Only one person quit. The three volunteer deputies had to follow suit because they’re volunteers and can only work when there’s someone at the helm.

Except haven’t there been articles suggesting that a force that lives in it’s community is more likely to be invested in reducing conflict and strife. When we have a larger sheriff’s style force, the officers ‘may’ be less interested in developing relationships with the people in a community they aren’t a part of.

To be absolutely fair: the precarity of middle class life means that the line between us and the “real” poor is as thin as one medical emergency or one lost job. We actually ARE all in this together.

Oh, absolutely. In so, so many ways globalization has made exploitation not just easier but the path of least resistance. One of these ways is in hiding exploitation (or outright slavery) out of sight and out of mind, both geographically and legally through the use of subcontractors. When consumers get the dual

Great article regarding how the rich/wealthy can break rules with little impunity. But playing devil’s advocate, when a guy picks up “undocumented” workers, aren’t the workers also breaking the rules since he’s undocumented and probably working under the table (avoiding paying any income tax), so it’s not only the

I think it’s almost implied in the scenario she presents; from their own perspectives, the business managers pressuring contractors to keep costs down and the contractors enforcing those decisions are in different, seemingly adversarial positions, their actions justified as simply working within a flawed system. But

I like the way you distinguish between sins of commission and sins of omission. Those two groups of sinners need each other to game the system, and each can blame the other for creating conditions of systemic injustice.

Cruz Control (over his emotions)