I said elsewhere on the thread that maybe it could be Martin Sheen.
I said elsewhere on the thread that maybe it could be Martin Sheen.
The only thing is, if this is an open secret in the industry, why is there all those rumors about Charlie Sheen but not Martin Sheen (as far as I’m aware of)?
In the article it says he was abused by a producer when he was eleven, but the A Lister started abusing him when he was in his mid teens. He would have been on the set of Lucas with Charlie Sheen in his mid teens.
There’s always been rumors about Charlie Sheen and Corey Haim, but, in this case, “family man”???
In his memoir, Corey Feldman said Haim told him someone raped him on the set of Lucas. So I thought of Charlie Sheen (who is in that film), and then laughed because lmao at him being a family man. And then I thought: Martin Sheen...and I was like faaaaaark.
The “never come out as gay” thing...ah, this guy doesn’t sound gay, he sounds like a paedophile.
An aging white dude has a breakdown after being promised the world and not getting it? What is this, the Great American Novel?
It would be great if the journalist tried to clarify. I can’t believe the follow up question was about a skate park.
He was a real dirtbag while he was a scientologist but I generally have sympathy for those sucked in by cults and only hope he tries to make amends to his former wives and children.
None of the murders in 2015 up to September were classified as hate crimes. So, yeah, under reporting is something of an understatement.
Can’t take the credit. I was paraphrasing a line from Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Truth or illusion, Lauren; I don’t know the difference.
I said I was impressed, Kim. I’m besides myself with jealousy. What do you want me to do, throw up?
Can I still say bad dancing is inherently white?
He’s hackish.
My comments are of the same quality as the writing for Mad Men, true. Thanks, darl.
If I was a producer of the film he’s making, I’d be mad as hell. Do your fucking job, sweet cheeks. It’s pathetic to cancel the rest of your appearances because you got owned by a woman. So, you’re offended, I don’t care. You have a job to do.
Just argue your point without this “had the genders been reversed” bullshit. They weren’t, so...