
Hi. It me, blerg

They aren’t doing the covers ironically and therein lies the reason. Inasmuch as pop music is a conversation, this is a broadside against irony, self seriousness and edginess with fun, artlessness and uncoolness. Biggest current example I can think of now is Beth Ditto’s new album and its just a fun listen. That and

To me, it’s in bad taste for Skittles to disingenuously do this to ironically steal thunder from the LGBTI+ community to advertise itself, but, whatever, that’s an advertisers job and we’ll see this until I can finally enact luxary gay space communism.

🎶seizing the means of production🎶


I’m pretty sure it was this, can’t think of anything else

The murderer should be Eric Roberts

She used to be the highest paid actress in the world, so she used to be. Now? Hard to tell.


Leto plaing a gay person again. Who does he think he is, James Franco?

Thanks, I'm terrible at remembering users.

Thats a different kettle of fish, though. Op was specifically talking about cultural appropriation, not religious offense.

Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.

Donald Trump Jr: What if I told you...

Holy moly, great sleuthing!

You’re wrong, ignorant of the law and a real cunt. Fucking troll.

Yeah, but Charlie Sheen wasn’t A list when the abuse started he seems too young to be the “king pin” of a child sex abuse ring. I think it’s more likely it’s Charlie Sheen, but I don’t know.

It was the “revered by millions” line that actually made me think of Martin instead of Charlie. Do people really revere Charlie Sheen? Martin Sheen has had a more critically acclaimed career, and was pretty famous at the time the abuse happened. Apocalypse Now and Wall Street made him quite famous for a while. I don’t