
Dear Greys: when Devins maligns highschool dropouts, he’s talking about you.

While the content in most mainstream porn is quite frankly disgusting - that is not because of the idea of porn itself. Its because the porn industry is un unionized and porn itself is criticized for being sexual rather than receiving what should be normal media critique (on gender, race, violence, consent, treatment

I really want to know what he meant by that? Because I felt like it was not about the blind trust, conflict of interest things. I felt like it was a weird, they-think-we’re-too-close-for-a-father-and-daughter-and-need-to-have-some-separation..

‘Ha ha, my candidate is going to none of the things he said he would! Hooray!’

but noteworthy nonetheless.

A thong. Singular.

It’s cold as hell that you hope his kids die in the next two months.

And I wish the media would stop calling it a blind trust. Putting your kids in charge is the very OPPOSITE of a blind trust and this is just another way they’re normalizing this situation. (Of course, none of them even knows what “blind trust”means . )

Good. This family has never felt push back in their entire lives. Welcome to the real world, assholes.

Cutting and pasting from a different comment, but I made the unholy mistake of calling home: I sat in front of the “Trump’s First Day” post and read about twenty anecdotes to my father who has consistently denied that Trump’s candidacy and now his election has validated white supremacy. He continued to tell me that

I’ll race you to the showers!

The last time I saw a fat flightless bird move that poorly another penguin was fucking his wife.

Bitch, did I stutter?!

I’m sure they wouldn’t pay to see you either, so everybody’s happy.

I have never read this and feel like AN IDIOT.

This is the best Leo.

Ways to get a Vegemite infection.

She kept it hidden SO WELL!

Hilarious that men know it’s inappropriate to touch women in a strip club but can’t apply that simple rule to the street, the bar, the subway, the grocery store, the movie theater, standing in line at the bank...ec-fucking-cetera.