In other news, Coca Cola uses Social Media to sell coke.
In other news, Coca Cola uses Social Media to sell coke.
I had to find the interview after seeing that. Sadly, he clearly says “use”.
He wants to eliminate welfare fraud (somehow????), which amounts to about 3 billion dollars a year. Clintons plan is said to cost about 30 billion a year, so I don’t know how it is possible for Trumps to cost a tenth of that.
In the short term, sure:
I think its down to her definition of “offended”. Just because she doesn’t think it should be called Oriental, doesn’t mean she’s angry about it. And the rest of the twitter convo is about calling people Oriental, and thats just a different situation.
Oh yes, if i can keep myself from making a face i usually just let it pass or very kindly correct them if its someone who grew up learning from society that my people were a lesser race. I mean, baby steps. If a young person called me “colored”, I would punch them in the face.
I dare say this was always the plan.
Bitch, did I say any different? Just because I described what she did “drawing Trump with a small penis” doesn’t necessarily mean I think it would be a different result if she drew a horse dick.
The artist who made that, Ilma Gore, has gone through so much shit just for drawing Trump with a small penis. Makes me so mad. She got permanently banned from facebook for sharing nudity on it and slapped with a DMCA from an anonymous copyright holder and got punched in the face by a male Trump supporter.
So, she may be transferred into a maximum security prison or permanent solitary confinement for charges relating to her suicide attempt, when it could have been prevented by giving her treatment earlier. Are they trying to do everything they can to make her kill herself?
Interestingly, both the birth rate and total fertility rate in Italy have been going up for the last two decades, now that people are coming to Italy instead of leaving it, like they did for centuries.
There was literally a reply that said “not to be snobbish but someone needs to read Said.”
The Guardian posted an article a few days ago from Yassmin Abdel-Magied (an Australian mechanical engineer, activist, author and founder of Youth Without Borders) who walked out on the speech.
Thanks, I’ll be back.
Trump said this in 2004:
Thank you so much for this, surely some kind of art project about true misery.
I bet those models didnt accept donations from people linked to a large corruption scandel in Malaysia, that was probably another tip Leo gave them.
Fuck you, Mike Pence. You Hank Hill’s father looking ass. You god damn funeral insurance actor looking ass. You fucking hateful lego figure looking ass. Go to hell, you fucking parasitic worm wearing a white wig coming out of Donald Trumps asshole. I hope you fucking rot.