
I remember hearing a former Klansman on radio talking about how they would call the spread of the kkk as a “curse", which...don't they see themselves as the good guys?

I asked Mark once if they use a style guide, and apparently they have an in house one. Whether all of them actually use it, I don’t know.

Roasts work when we only “roast the ones we love”.

So, let's say they turn this into a movie condemning PUA culture. Then it's just a film by white straight dudes asking for a pat on the head. Fuck off, James Franco!

I’m Australian and I hear mostly zed. I wonder if there’s a regional difference? I’m in regional NSW.

Ah, but this for her own good and it will all be worth it to see him slither out of any consequences. Justice!


The only problematic thing in this ad is the white guy at the start saying “zee” instead of “zed”, like some kind of goddamned American.

Well, when it’s put like that, it does sound silly.

Wait, Americans listen to Kyle and Jackie O? Why?

He’s going to build a wall on the southern border and “much more”?

This is wild speculation, of course, but I wonder if he hates China because what happened to him as a young man ( not being able to be a pilot for political reasons sounds like it could be extreme understatement, considering what China was like).

Forgot about him texting a 17 year old, huh?

A woman getting complaints for not smiling? Surely not!

Is this the real life?

If men continue pitting off going to the doctor and binge drink out of an anxiety about masculinity, it should keep happening apace and speed up once robots that look like Marlon Texeira are invented. Crime plummets and the world is finally at peace. Obviously, as a man, I am against this. Well, not the sexy robot

So many ways to increase representation, all of them political pipe dreams. Proportional representation, gender quotas, communist revolution, zombie apocalypse, menocide, all equally far off.

Her products sound like Alba-Turkey's