
“At least, that’s the most that can be gleamed from a recently posted description”

I feel like I should let you know, in case this isn’t a typo and you just don’t know the word, that the word you’re looking for here is “gleaned” rather than “gleamed.” 

Because mobile gaming is almost universally trash.

Im sure a lot of people are going to love this quest chain, but honestly I find it really annoying. With PvP involved, there’s no way I’m ever going to be able to finish this quest. I simply dont have the ability to compete with people who enjoy PvP and play it regularly. If they’re going to dangle Ace of Spades in f

Gross. This story would be really fucking offputting if it were true. Good thing you’re most definitely lying. 

Yup. And to think that all they had to do was stand up to some dumbfuck rapist.

Disney sure fucked this one up, huh? 

So your thinking is that Marvel is ashamed of the guy who wrote one of the longest and highest selling runs in Spider-Man history and wants to hide all that stuff under the carpet? That’s... a special viewpoint, for sure.

Nope. Bullshit. Bullshit across the board.

Oh fuck off. I’ve experienced serious trauma that goes far beyond these allegations and even I know that Dykestra is acting foolish in her justifications and vagueness surrounding all of this. You’re the one who using serious cognitive dissonance to pretend you’re the morally superior “woke” one in this argument.

You honestly think that justifies this? You can lob whatever baseless accusations you want into the ether, and as long as you don’t specifically name your famous ex-boyfriend/colleague and say “I don’t wanna cause any trouble”, you get a free pass because it’s fucking cathartic? I’m sorry, man, but that is fucked. 

maybe he’s just classier than her. She says she wants to move on but is clearly still tweeting about it. He says he wants to move on and he’s actually doing it.

I don’t know what the right thing to do here is and honestly it’s their business between each other unless something was illegal.

Although she declined to participate in AMC’s investigation, Dykstra maintained that her story is true in her most recent tweet about the matter:

I can generally control how fast I can manage a grind in PvE. PvP makes it dependent on not just my shitty pvp skills, but also those of 3 to 5 other jabronis. I also don’t have the manual dexterity anymore to handle those tiny hitboxes in PvP:  It’s why I main Winston in Overwatch =P.

“Yeah, Vincenzo, I ca-pish.”

Just leave twitter, people.
It’s full of vile racist hatemongers that are defended by the company of twitter than doing any actual good. Get rid of that fucking service.

After the Gunn thing I deleted all of my tweets (all 166 of them; I tried to use it, but it just felt pointless). I still have my account ‘cause I don’t want anyone else using my handle there but I’m not gonna tweet from it. The only legit reason I can think of for me to use Twitter is to complain at customer service

I couldn’t help thinking how pointless it all sounded.

I remember when Twitter started taking off in the late 00s. My colleagues were excitedly telling me about this new platform where they could share with the world what they were doing at a given moment in time, along with various clichéd memes and aphorisms. I couldn’t help thinking how pointless it all sounded.

I believe there are some people who routinely delete anything from their Twitter accounts more than, say, a month old, which seems eminently sane to me. Not as sane as, say, pretending that Twitter doesn’t exist, but still a pretty good policy if your job for some reason requires you to touch social media.