
Yep, they should have owned it. But in the end this is what they go for. I guess they want to keep the “classic” look of the game that people know and love.

Well, they’re not the only ones to use scantily clad women to attract interest.


The Hot Austrian Guy looks good in that garage-sale sweater like only an extremely fit man can look. He is sexy. Also sounds pretty good. How did he not win?

Now playing

But do any of them top the greatest eurovision winner ever?

Well, as someone else here pointed out, if Captain Marvel is set in the 90s, and she knows only Nick Fury and Phil Coulson after all these years among the Kree, who do you think she’s going to try to contact when she returns to Earth after Fury’s space-pager goes off?

I think that’s incorrect, and it’s more likely that the events of Ant-Man take place concurrently with the events of IW. The Avengers talked about Scott taking his plea deal and house arrest. They did NOT mention anything about him going on the run again, or stirring up size-changing trouble in San Francisco,

“...we’ve addressed it extensively, there’s just nothing else to add, just because you guys continue to ask the same question over and over and over again doesn’t mean we that have to keep coming up with new things to say.”

If you leave antifa alone, in the absence of fascists, antifa will do nothing.

In real life, we’ve got Neonazis and Antifa brawling

It’s a shame so much of the reception of this game and whether it’s “good” seems to be down to whether it takes a stance on US politics as though that’s a thing all games must do now.

Anybody ever consider if we ignore these people they cease to exist?

I can very easily understand the White House’s disgust with those gaming clips.

Trump has personally caused more real world violence then anything shown in that video.

Jesus Christ is it 1993 still? Hasn’t this “link” been debunked numerous times by now, if I recall right, if anything violent games act as more of a release for pent up aggression. But by all means, lets point fingers at pointless topics to obfuscate the real issue. I’m so sick of all this #winning...

And do what exactly? Tell them they can’t make violent games anymore? Let’s just get rid of violent movies or tv shows then. Or here’s a novel idea: revise gun laws so a random teenager can’t buy it off the street and shoot his school to pieces.

Eh. Somehow, I lived through the great social panics over rap (and Tipper Gore’s eventual push to implement those lovely “Parental Warning: Explicit Content” stickers on albums), Mortal Kombat (seriously, Congressional hearings over that shit), and DOOM without ever developing the desire to harm anyone.

...and I was a

Strange... I am a Canadian and play violent video games and watch violent films so they’re definitely sold here and yet here in Canada we don’t have mass shootings every few months... hmmm... the same is true for the UK, France, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, you know I could go on but I wont.

OK but what the fuck is shaping this goon’s mind?

I think you and Jason brought up a good point in your podcast. Destiny 2 shouldn’t exist, it should just be an expansion on Destiny 1's base game. Imagine if we still had everything from the first game and they kept adding to it? I think it would be much more palatable for all the frustrated players.