
Even though I didn’t have this exact thought, it sums up my feelings about this pretty well.

Well... This is an article referring primarily to action figures, and my comment is about that... A Monopoly piece is not an action figure, although I do agree there should’ve been a Rey piece from the beginning.

They don’t have a problem making Rey figures. There are multiple figures of her already available to purchase.

This made me roll my eyes so hard they almost popped out of my head. Every character recieves a unique head sculpt in these modern Star Wars toy lines, male or female. Quit looking for outrage where there isn’t any.

Thank you for this. The jump to outrage on this topic seems only to apply to people who aren’t toy/action figure collectors... If they were, they’d know there have been mask-less Rey figures since before The Force Awakens was released.

I’m pretty sure he was saying Pepper is the best, not Gwyneth Paltrow. While I agree with you concerning her business ventures, sometimes you’ve gotta separate the character from the actor.

I’m in exactly the same boat.

While I did like the Ned character, I’m really bummed out about the Ned/Ganke mashup because even if we are introduced to Miles in the MCU, he probably won’t have Ganke at all. There’s no way Marvel Studios would bring in another Spider-Man with a nearly identical best friend to Peter’s “Ned”. Since Fox owns all of

1991, riiiiight... Xavier and Magneto still won’t have aged since the 60's... again.

“Miles and Pete being together… yeah, there’s been some comic things where worlds collide”

I know... their shader choices are odd. (For those godawful retailer exclusives, damn I hate retailer exclusives!)

20 bucks for the nameless Guardians, 35 for Saladin. Not that bad.

This whole game looks very Mortal Kombat in design.

I didn’t realize that was supposed to be Flash. I had always thought it was Eddie Brock.

There was a Flash Thompson Venom figure?? I’ve literally never seen or heard of it.

The problem I’m having is that, after months of not playing, I’m completely underleveled for all of the “new” content... It seems to want me to be at 380 light but I’m at 369. I’m not really sure which activities I should be looking at to bridge they gap.

You DID ask for the original commenter to “let us know how Diablo or Borderlands are in any way similar to Destiny,” and that’s what you got.

So is Saladin a different scale than the others? If so, lame. I’d really like all of these to be 6" scale.

What disgusted me when I saw this posted on Instagram? People were defending this Neo-Nazi piece of shit, because the guy that punched him is, and I quote, “a cowardly libtard SJW snowflake.” It’s like people are so defensive and angry, they don’t even realize what they’re saying anymore!

Um. He’s freaking hot.