
It’s so easy. Seriously.

For anyone that played the “Episode Duscae” prologue/demo, it’s obvious that mechanics of the game were changed at the last minute.

That’s what’s I was thinking. There is at least one private conversation between Noctis and Prompto during the game had me wondering as well. The way he’s constantly bringing up Cindy and Aranea could just be his cover. A defense mechanism.

When are these patches supposed to happen? I haven’t started the game yet and I’m wondering if I should wait.

I almost wish articles like this weren’t written, so people that play with that sort of behavior wouldn’t be encouraged... On the other hand, it has a morbid human interest value, like an episode of Hoarders.

The fact they cancelled a character for being a Rival Schools character clone makes me realize: why haven’t they used any of those characters in the Street Fighter franchise? Moreover, why hasn’t there been any revival of THAT franchise???

Tekken did it with Lei Wulong... who I’m fairly certain was in Street Fighter x Tekken also... and it’s pretty great.

“June update arrives JULY 1.”

I want to know if the Elder Cipher bounties are included in this... I just got one a couple days ago.

I remember reading somewhere that the Bungie artists were going for something very mothlike when they were designing Oryx. I can totally see it, especially in the wings.

Fantastic list. I'm so grateful you included Paul Smith!!! Everything here is spot on, except the spelling of Joe Mad's name. It's Madureira with two "R"s. Tough to spell or say, but I suppose that's why he went by " Mad ".

Promotional art for the Age of X storyline. This image is Coipel but Clay Mann did most of the interior art, which also was excellent.


Thank you! I was obsessed with Capullo's work on X-Force when I was younger. It's still better than a lot of other artists' work at the time.

As much as I agree that this is complete bullshit, I think an easy Plan B is to pick up a Chromecast and stream to your TV through the HBO Go app on a phone or tablet. I have Comcast and it works perfectly that way.

That's exactly what I was thinking!!! They should still list fighter stats in the current games, just to see how laughably unbelievable it would be. Especially since Ryu is as roided out as he's ever been.