Dude, blaming mental illness isn’t the step up you think it is.
Dude, blaming mental illness isn’t the step up you think it is.
Oh that’s funny because I always thought the reason to stop homelessness was because human beings need homes, not because being homeless somehow transforms anyone into a violent misogynist.
This really is not the effective way to argue for services OR prevent violence against women you seem to think it is.
How weird of them to want actual useful suggestions! :O
Did you read the rest of the comment or what?
I’ve been saying the same thing this entire time. This is exactly what I mean by you not wanting to hear it. It’s easier for you if you pretending I’m saying something different each time rather than accept there’s nothing to dispute. People aren’t “offended”; they’re saying he was wrong.
What is there to be “challenged” on? I simply said that people thought Harvey was wrong and you’re just refusing to accept that.
You can disagree with them all day long and it’s still a fact that they think he was wrong, whether you get why or not.
Except many people are disagreeing with him, so clearly it’s not.
Again, you can stomp your feet all you want and it’s not going to magically stop people’s opinions from differing from yours. You may have trouble understanding *how* people could disagree. That’s fine. They still do.
You don’t want to hear what I’ve actually been saying, you want to invent your own thing to get mad at me for not saying.
That’s not how this works.
...Your best defense is that he didn’t have a point?
OK, I’ll take it.
I’ve been saying the same thing since the beginning, you just don’t want to hear it. And yet you’re still talking to me for some reason.
You get that you're allowed to just disagree with people without lying, right? You clearly don't think he was wrong. You're entitled to your opinion. Other people do. You can stomp your feet all day long and it won't make their clearly expressed opinions disappear.
Meanwhile, right now, you apparently can’t move to another state that’s chosen to ignore COVID! I learn so much from the absolute worst Kennedy.
Right? Maybe if people are going to “misconstrue” his jokes he’s just not very good at telling them.
“No one said he said anything offensive, they said he was wrong.”
It was absolutely clear from the beginning that I was spelling out for you that you were wrong about what the objections already expressed were. Then you threw a big tantrum and demanded I answer for everyone else. No, I will not.
Once again, I do not feel the need to repeat what’s already been said by others simply because you refuse to read it. You could have read it about fourteen times in the time it’s taken you to curse at me. Do your own work.
There’s no other comment on this article? None?
Apologies for attempting to answer your concerns. It was quite clear my very first reply what about what had already been said.
They have already been provided for you. Again, I’m not retyping other people’s comments for you. Read them.
“I would like to not be completely disrespected, please.”
“Oh, so you’ll only settle for the PERFECT man? One who DOESN’T EXIST?”
Literally everything that he said. I’m not reiterating what’s already been said in other comments, you can simply read them and then decide if you agree or not.
No one said he said anything offensive, they said he was wrong.