
Yeah, it’s almost like *the law being applied wasn’t written with this kind of case in mind.* Thanks for making our point for us.

You think the majority of people outraged are truckers?


I would. How about you don’t argue from assumptions about what other things you think people may or may not be OK with?

In case you’re just waking up from a very long nap, mandatory minimums have been controversial for a very long time, *especially* on the two examples you just gave.

Right, that’s literally what the objection is here. It wasn’t intentional. HTH.

Imagine the difference that might be made if people didn’t keep *trying* to get de-selected.

Where's the "whatabout"?

a statutory sentence that was the literal minimum for the charges”

I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what purpose punishment would serve.

If a sentence this extreme is mandatory for the charges, you don’t bring the charges. You don’t hide behind “I could have brought more.”

Now imagine if potential jurors actually applied this instead of using it as a tool to get out of jury duty.


I didn’t ask you to explain to me why he was responsible, I asked what punishment would accomplish.

Community service wouldn’t bother me but I don’t see that as punitive.

Nobody is saying he should have gotten off with no sentence” I mean, I am. What is it going to help?

“Haha, silly autistic people! Don’t you know that’s just the failure mode at playing a Real Person?”

Maybe don’t weigh in here.

Some parents do trick-or-trick with infants! Usually those who also have older kids. People also have parties in their homes, in which infants may as well participate, being a pretty captive audience.

And of course, there’s always those who dress up babies simply for the photos.

You’ve forgotten the great thing about babies not eating candy--people will give your baby candy anyway, and YOU can eat it!

There is if you actually care about the reputation of the film and not just your own.

“Cuties” is a word generally associated with children so unsure of your point here.

This is literally worse.

...Are you actually kidding me?

“Oh yeah this is fake, everyone actually gets to be a creep.”