
Well, now you know. =)

Being a Soviet mouthpiece is half a cosmonaut’s job. Whether he actually believes it is almost irrelevant.

It simply means she told one person, who’s already been established as her only confidant.

That is a very strange way to describe an East Asian human.

You do know that’s a real job, right?

Sorry, are you saying it was the *victims* who decided not to do anything?


And in order for you to make a point about reconciliation, it would have had to have actually happened. “Reconciliation” doesn’t actually just mean “the absence of vengeance.” It’s an active process that’s been actively avoided for


...Why shouldn’t you be able to watch it on a laptop? You don’t see a bizarre irony in a *computer* company deciding its shows are only to be optimally viewed on a television?

What "bullshit optimism of business of them caring at all"? The part where he specifically said they have no reason to care regardless? I think you're the one displaying bulllshit optimism, my dude.

If that doesn’t interest you, perhaps you are simply not the target audience for this children’s movie.

I’m confused about how the resolution of the conflict that already didn’t grab you is going to get you more interested.

This really is getting me. People are so used to reviews being plot summaries that when a critic focuses on what they actually got from the movie, they’re completely thrown off. “But why didn’t you tell me what *I* might get from it, like a list of sequential events???”

I feel like maybe when you saw “Asian” you blocked out everything else. Is that possible?

So you already know what it’s about, then?

I understood it just fine but OK.

I think perhaps it didn’t focus on element that you, personally, are interested in, and you may be mistaking that for “incoherence.”

I’m confused, people are now mad that a review doesn’t tell them the entire movie?

Really? I don’t see anything about the cast at all, other than a few of their names, as is normal.

Sure is weird how the comment I made the day this was published still isn’t visible. Huh.

Why allow commenting at all if you only want agreement?

Why should anything stop them from vilifying vulnerable populations? *eyeroll*

We actually *can* force people to take medication if they don’t want to, because of laws passed in previous panics, which have caused immense harm to psychiatric patients in this state, including *discouraging* them from seeking treatment. It’s easier to be forced into treatment than to voluntarily access it, because

Or they’re misogynists, just like many housed men? Do you think that might be a possibility?