Actor is his job, not his whole life. He said that quite clearly.
Actor is his job, not his whole life. He said that quite clearly.
Who said anyone was “fixated”?
They gave you multiple examples. You’re just oddly *fixated* on not accepting them.
I hear that many people in the U.S. have non-Western names.
I mean, there is a reason. This is the exact reason.
That is just some weird reasoning. “Uh ACKTUALLY, people get on planes to GO PLACES!” Yeah, thanks for that brilliance. You really cracked that mystery for us. Clearly, that was the part in question: Why people in general fly on planes.
Undoing the damage of having control of her life robbed from her for 13 years might be impossible.
Human rights are not supposed to be based on whether you judge someone to be “coherent.”
A conservatorship is not voluntary by definition.
A lot of the reporting on this has been plain irresponsible. She didn’t get to choose to essentially give up her legal personhood.
She doesn’t have a “safety net.” Removing autonomy is not a safety net. It just puts them at someone else’s mercy. Whether that person is “good” or not is not really the point—they shouldn’t have that power.
LOL at the idea that this is some kind of class privilege--*countless* poor people are under guardianship,…
“She should decide what she does with her body,” but it worries you that she wants to have a child?
Sounds like you don’t really believe in her bodily autonomy, then. People are allowed to make choices you don’t like.
The thing about picking out parts of a conservatorship you think are going too far is that...that’s how…
“some of the things she said also worry me especially the idea that she wants to be allowed to reduce her therapy” Why? Therapy should be voluntary.
If she’s highly susceptible to influence then, wild idea, maybe total control over her life shouldn’t be handed over to someone else.
Sir, if you can’t figure out the logical implications of a statement, I cannot help you.
THE REASON YOU GAVE for suspecting these people were learning disabled was examples of simple ignorance.
Thus, that implies you don’t consider there to be another explanation. Despite the fact that many, many neurotypical people…
...So, you’re admitting it again.
But I “entirely made up” the logical implication of that uninformed guess.
If you feel like that makes you a bad person, maybe...stop doing it??? That’s an idea??? HTH!
Thanks for even more ableism, too.
When literally your only evidence was ignorance.
That was when.
“Pretty sure I don’t have to have any expertise to suspect something, especially since I’m talking in the past tense about when I was in jr high/high school/college all 20 or more years ago.” ...So you had no qualifications, got it.
Literally just telling me…
You’re the one who brought it up in the first place.
But sure, keeping pushing the idea that only learning disabled people can be ignorant. Can’t see that harming anyone.
Still no answer for what your expertise in learning disabilities is, but I can’t make you answer.
Of course you think this is about “what I think about…
“Note, I’m not saying that a teacher CAN’T be learning disabled. I’m saying you’re equating two different things. This may amaze you but it’s also possible to be both learning disabled and informed.”
What is your basis for saying that I’m assuming they weren’t? I’m saying the information *you are giving us in support…
What exactly do you think I’m ignorant about?
What is your expertise on learning disabilities?
On what basis do you assume your teachers were learning disabled, but not me?
I didn’t say it wasn’t possible. In fact *I literally just said in the comment you’re replying to that it is possible.* I’m telling you that based on what you’re telling me, you have no basis to think they are. “Oh but I know others things you don’t” is not how presenting an argument works. I have the knowledge you…