
Lex exploited him, he didn’t *make* him Agent Liberty. He was already handing out pamphlets.

I mean like in this case I can’t argue tbh.

This might be wild but identifying yourself at some point as underage, something you would have no reason to do if you weren’t (ridiculous prank notwithstanding) does tend to make one slightly more suspicious.

Haha ableism is so funny.

*literally types an entire comment about types of evidence short of “definitive proof” we use in our lives all the time*

“You don’t have DEFINITIVE PROOF, so it’s an ASSUMPTION!”

“An assumption” -_-

Sorry, I wasn’t aware that we had to sit on our hands refusing to *draw reasonable conclusions from the available evidence*—like, *patterns we can see happening*—until Netflix shows us the algorithms themselves.

You would make a terrible detective. “I know he was seen leaving the crime scene covered

Well, it’s not really much of a reach because it *has* been shown that Netflix figured out from viewing patterns which of their viewers were probably Black and changed the poster images for movies and series to highlight minor Black characters.

I’m not sure where Archbishop said they did.

Well, they don’t technically have that data.

The network is moving more and more in the direction of those propaganda makers so it’s a weird time to jump on and think you’ll be heard.

No, he’s just a very enthusiastic ally.

He said it with a soft J like “Jean,” hence Kelly asking if it was French.

Or...it could mean they’re OK with it.

This might really break your brain, but things that are intended as offensive are not always controversial.

Germans are not always *quite* as penitent about the Holocaust as they’ve gotten a reputation among Americans for being.

So, it is a normal turn of phrase?

There is no way in hell he didn’t do this on purpose.

Little hint, you don’t have to reply.

Sure. Suddenly now.



Troll confirmed, I guess.

Please provide a source for the “scientific” meaning of “purpose.”

Go ahead. I’m waiting.

I mean, you can *say* whatever you want and call it “truth,” but it’s time to put up or shut up.

Explain exactly what is objective about an *intention*, please?

Will I have to Google “objective” and “subjective” for you next, or do