
The Basque Damn Separatist Marching Band in the Land.

Man, black people can’t even have Nigerian prince email scams without White people “Bitch, me too”ing, it. Goddamn.

I won’t even lend money to family members unless their credit score is over 700 and they get another family member to co-sign...

or wire large amounts of money to someone you don’t know

Him and Trump are cut from the same cloth. I imagine McMahon read some book in the 70's about the importance of physical presence in the office, and decided this is my life now. Trump does the same stuff, extra long ties, never not wearing a suit. It’s boomer pseudoscience, meant to convey they are extra important.

“Still looks a little tight to me.”

15 run plays against a team that had one of Thebes worst rush defenses lol

Did you just company the Giants to the Browns? You sound like an astute scholar and business man. May I interested you in some vintage BitCoins? I don’t know if you’ve heard, but they’re quite the investment!

When asked for his opinion on the NFL making changes to the concussion protocol, 20 year veteran and Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre said that he was “Glad the porcupines are finally going to get to eat their roast beef and cheese sandwiches.”

Let me tell you something Storm was the reason I felt like I could go on in Middle and High School. Like here was this woman who looked like me but a few shades darker. And she was surrounded by all these white people all the time, and she was fly af. And was still that bitch. And was a leader, and not just a leader

Now, if they said the mercury and lead in previous generations of cell phones posed a danger, that I could believe. There is no healthy level of either. You drop your phone and smash it, and then cut yourself on the glass, it could introduce a small amount of lead into your blood stream.

Then the company ought to hire a person who can recognize instances of middle ground and show the accordant empathy. Maybe the company could hire an athletic white man, though it probably would have to be one who’s not a pussy about saying “Sorry, I don’t have any change” to icky poors

Along the lines of what WhiteEbolaInventor said in their second post, using those words indicates that he’s still in denial. Now, the event may have occurred recently and I totally understand if it hasn’t 100% set in for him yet. Denial is natural and it’s okay to feel it, but only if you turn to acceptance afterwards.

Words mean things, though. So one’s choice of words matters. Like, this forms the basis of all human social interaction since the discovery of language.

Very cool. It’s an indicator of his insight, and ability to self reflect. Long term - it’s also a huge factor in determining the success of any internal changes.

he put his life out there for all the world to see, voluntarily. he deserves what ever he has coming ...and i’d be shocked if he isn’t trying on some level to capitalize on it.

It’s not just “his choice of words”, it’s the standard lie from the American male and it basically pushes away real responsibility for your actions, which is probably something you should be thinking about at this time. It’s right up there with “I’m sorry if I offended anyone” in Not Real Apology land. People know

So the dude who made a name for himself being an asshole to people in online games turns out to be an asshole in real life?

1. Catholics actually have lots of abortions

A lot of Catholics have immigrants in their recent ancestry, that and there’s the proud Catholic tradition of creating atheists. My experience as a southern European from a “Catholic” family is that a lot of Catholics are actually just “Catholic.” They just aren’t as hardcore as Evangelicals. They like incense and