
To put it another way, Hillary may not have been Mrs. Right, but she was Mrs. Right Now.

...Trump most likely would’ve been President if Sanders got the ticket as well. One real good way to get the Republicans out in force to vote is to have the other choice be a socialist.

And the fact that Hillary got millions more votes because Sanders didn’t know the South had primaries.

Dear young people, who are smarter than me, but I have been living a while’ Babygirl is Black and they will treat her that way.......wait and find out.....I hope and pray that I am wrong....but remember Barak Obama was mixed...and they treated him bad..............

No Black woman who gets with a white dude is under any illusion that he hasn’t done anything pathetically white and racist. White people will white and there’s no better and quicker way to get educated and dismantle that conditionig than align your life with a Black woman (capital B, those lowercase black women need

The thing that makes me so mad is that its always some cornball ass Black person trying to question someone else’s Blackness. She is Black.

Boris Kodjoe. Like my kids, both Black and German. Now I would never want my kids to reject their German heritage and honestly outside of the US, most people are more concerned with the “American” in African-American, than the African, because, you know...actual Africans. Here in America, they know how they are

They’re just like kids sentenced as adults out there.

Huh, my favourite magician has always been Harry Houdidn’tgrabmyass.

Big deal, everyone knows that’s Kurt’s kid anyways.

Cam says that Cam believes that hat to be extremely fashionable. The idea that Cam would listen to the advice of anyone other than Cam is unfathomable to Cam. Cam always knows what is best for Cam. Now Cam is going to go stare at Cam in the mirror for awhile.

This feeds into debunking one of the great narratives of the stadium grift. Every shitbag rich guy tries to tell you that a staidum will “revitalize” the surrounding area or “provide a downstream impact on local businesses” or whatever snake oil they sell to get taxpayer money.

I don’t, it’s one if not the dumbest thing to happen in the last decade in the video game industry. I’ll watch my friends in the same room play a sports game, even then I lost interest until it’s my turn. Play the damn game yourself.

I watch twitch because I’m lonely with low self esteem, desperate for a sense of belonging, but it never truly fills that void.

Upvoting because I love cheese, and the east/west dichotomy vs cheese and oh I dunno natto/fermented eggs/etc kinda gets me.

Fair enough. FWIW, I recognize that this is just as much a problem with me as with the picky eaters. Also, I don’t know if this helps, but the turkish stuff is almost certainly not mayonnaise, and likely either tahini, yogurt, or garlic sauce. But it’s still “saucey”.

I used to barbecue a lot, and my vegan friend would always show up with tofu sausages or whatever and say, "Hey, let me know when there's going to be space on the grill for these," and everyone was happy. If only everyone was able to come to a reasonable accommodation like that.

My friends would probably describe me as a foodie, because I have a culinary degree and have always been interested in trying new foods/cuisines ever since I was a little kid. But I tend to shy away from the descriptor myself, because it has a connotation of snobbery that bothers me. I actually try to hide my food

I have a friend like that - we used to have to feed him every time we saw him.
He really enjoys food, but never feels the need to seek it out. I have convinced him to eat on a timetable: in the same way that he cleans his teeth twice a day, he knows to eat at specific times.

"SHOCKING: Probe reveals 40% of Picky Eating Adults are actually three children in a trenchcoat."