
You are right if you are a Republican you may vert well not be a racist. But the party you are part of at the least is a racist apologist... so if you do not subscribe to that, then get your parties shit together, and stop allowing crazy as fuck right wing Republican voices control the parties direction.

I think the W12 was for people for whom the V10 TDI was too reliable and low-maintanence.

Boston Dynamics, eat your heart out.

Also it is ted telling the story, people might have made fun of him for liking Star Wars and people might have made fun of Barney’s Storm Trooper Armour, but he is leaving that part of the story out... kind of like they aren’t really eating sandwiches.

Halliday is a nerd that never fit in, with friends, especially with girls, with life in general. Video games allowed him to escape to a world for he fit in and a world where his dreams could come true. That is why he created OASIS.

How come people are so keen to shit on this book/movie and all the people who “personally can identify with the material being discussed”, but other personally affecting fiction gets a free pass?

I didn’t mind it, I also didn’t even mind The Shadow from 1994, for pity’s sake.

Who does not miss the Critic. :(

i don’t know what you’re talking about.

The Chicago Bears football team had this figured out when they created the song “Air Down Chicago Bears”

Fact remains, no matter the laws, criminals will always find a way.

Remote trainers help you reinforce the behaviors you want from motorcyclists, such as staying in their lane. They also let you correct speeding, rev-limiter bouncing, and other unwanted behaviors. When you push a button on the handheld remote, your motorcyclist will receive a stimulation from his electronic

everyone crying white tears about Black Panther

You compare the chocolate to a wendy’s frosty like that’s a good thing..!?

I’ll just throw this out there: Jim Tomsula is tan, rested, ready, and needs to know by tomorrow so he can give his two weeks’ at the 7-11.

I was disappointed when I opened up the “Dangerous Programs” tag and didn’t see any links to stories about Michigan State, Penn State, or Baylor.

What if it was an asian athlete and his 11-year old son? Oh! or a white woman athlete and her 11-year old son!? Oh wait I got one better what if all these hypotheticals are bullshit and irrelevant. Also Black is not the “opposite” of white so stop treating Black people as some sort of bizarro universe to white people.

Trial attorney and among other things, do criminal defense. He’s probably about to cut a deal, and Green is known for his ability to get those in high stakes situations (e.g., Iran Contra).

One of the three was already being pressured to leave.

I’ve never used wireless headphones, and I don’t know if can say the convenience is “undeniable”, because really, if a small, thin wire is THAT inconvenient for people, they probably have bigger problems. It is like one of those imaginary problems people are overwhelmed with in a bad infomercial, where the actor is