
fuck off

I mean you can, but that trash also has to know its trash to some extent.

Louder for those in the back!

Spectrum or no?

And they’re useless. They care more about some farcical conspiracy in their entertainment than anything else.

Sure! Any other things?

Low hanging fruit that dismisses dialectal affectations.

Straight cash homey.

Half of Kotaku addresses their wardrobe.

Here’s the question you should be asking - what is your appetite for systemic risk? If enough people don’t protect themselves it becomes a larger issue for the people that do. That’s an entirely separate type of systemic risk like concentrating leverage into everything but the question is the same: how far do you let

Your dedication to this seems to make me think this is more of a ‘you’ thing than an ‘apple’ thing. You have a method, it is being fucked with, you don’t like it. Doesn’t seem universal.

This stuff was obviously from before you were born.

Think music on demand rather than videos.

Literal only upside is you dont have to find a Wendy’s to get that flavor.

Buckle up for 2018 cause they got these new things called scoops.

Now that you’ve told me kitten heels make everyone look sleazy, I’m trying to imagine a shoe that doesn’t, and can’t. Thanks, ya broke me.

Nah, they’re all this ugly.

Perhaps its helpful to also enjoy sex that isn’t solely orgasm based.

Dudes like Rippon are the perks of being bi.

So it’s your duty to slug people who do care in a purely negative way.