I don’t understand people who use e-cigarettes with flavored oils in order to replace cigarettes. That shit just doesn’t work.
I don’t understand people who use e-cigarettes with flavored oils in order to replace cigarettes. That shit just doesn’t work.
Pictured: notable Yanking batsman Alec Rod demonstrates his prized technique.
Anyone else find it on-the-nose that we’ve spent 20 years obsessing over a cold case just because the victim was the epitome of the classic American ‘cute little white girl’?
How does “there’s nothing wrong with being alone” translate to “I’m going to silence my needs and wants because someone on the internet said I shouldn’t be stigmatized for being single”?
That uncle was a fucking dick. And possibly a Trump supporter
and who the fuck drinks milk with pizza? I understand they wanted to finish the perishable goods before going on vacation, but why does that matter to them after dropping 120 bucks on pizza in the early 90s?
Eli Manning is now demanding a sideline fort of his own.
Why is the ‘Bama tent 7 feet tall and the size of a NYC hotel room, while the Packers’ looks like some kind of bodybag from the morgue?
Steve Prefondidntrain
I think it’s kind of sad how he sidelined his own best judgment in deference to a figure of authority, an authority whose own judgment is not to be questioned, and it cost him his own better interests while only furthering the narrow interests of the organization that authority represents.
I’m sure you’re not alone in Harrison lust. But it’s not universal. I do not share this sentiment. Like, not at all.
I think it’s about time for a downvote button on this site
I think an appropriate punishment would be to force these people to continue to live in rural southern Ohio.
Next question. How many of those were actually popular/mainstream/#1 hits?
But what does it mean? [googling googling] Okay apparently it means “be safe” so it’s just redundant in that post, and also makes no sense because it comes out of nowhere.
The tinfoil.
Wait, what the heck is “keep the shiny side up”? Shiny side of what?
A pacer I bet on once turned maverick on his driver. By the time the race was over he’d trotted back to the paddock, tripped over the gate and broken his leg. They ended up having to shoot him. My point is, I don’t know about decades, but it certainly set me back a couple hundred bucks.
Could someone remind these cretins that this kind of behavior is not only a good way to get your soft ass kicked by anyone with an ounce of morality, but is as pathetically desperate for some semblance of scoring as jacking off to Custer’s Revenge.
The party kind of came to a halt after that. I'm really considering attending my 20th.