
That fragile manbaby.

That’s what I keep hoping for. The thing that is so funny and yet galling is the belief among some that since the big drop hasn’t happened yet, there isn’t anything at all, and yet Flynn is already donezo, Manafort up a creek, this happens today, yesterday Carralo? is coming to Jesus potentially - but I am holding out

You ever slow play a hand in poker?

As a lawyer, can you represent two clients simultaneous or have a joint defense where one of your clients then breaks and presents a conflict of interest as a lawyer? I doubt it and thus here we are.

Conflict of interest pertaining to representation of other clients.


Who are these troglodytes?

Yes and no


Can you explain why 100% hetero is important?

Nobody fucking asked you.

Still pales in comparison the fraud Monte Kiffin unleashed on the world.

Agree with all but one point: blatantly objectifying women to boost his ego? Like, I’m trying to imagine masturbation without some aspect of this along the way - they literally only exist in your consciousness for the purposes of being a sexual object to project your fantasies and ego benefits upon and then are done

That could also just be a dweeby dork thing.

2 things:

To be fair, while I’ve agreed with a fair number of your points this is one that just speaks to a modern myopia. Men were raping women long before they had Samsung Galaxies giving them 3D Gangbang Chokeout porn streaming into their eyeballs on demand. Men were terrible at sex long before they had access to pornhub.

You’re not into step siblings? Too bad!

“Why do people want to have sex with someone who is not enthusiastically into it?”

So on the one hand, yes, it seems bizarre that DP chokeout porn is somehow the base standard. On the other hand, imagine your surprise when you fall into a relationship with a kinky woman and you don’t know how to tread and start taking all agency away from them - were you abused? did you get exposed to porn at a

I mean, fishhooking can be kinda hot I guess, with the right person. I don’t know, that’s more of an ‘do it if they ask for it’ kinda thing.