
Treat every woman like they’re an individual and improvise according to the backing band’s key.

Why can’t we be okay with sex work as a thing - it seems like it’d be mutually beneficial - a subset of women make ends meet, men get the porn star treatment they so desire, straight women are free to date the 10 men in the world that aren’t fuckheads.

Dude, every dude is a creep, it’s just how much they let you see.

That’s what makes fire and forget dick pics the best method of all, right?

“Esports is just like the NFL so it doesn’t matter” is not a compelling counter argument to the downsides of pursuing a career in esports.

Thanks for clarifying!B

Yeah, sounds Jose J Simpson runs the show now - the best way to combat hyperinflation is obviously through a wage hike.

They can go collapse themselves for all I care.

In America it’s a big sanctimonious social thing. In India its called living for millions.

The way it was phrased, it sounds like the OP is stating you, the reader, should respect them BECAUSE of the choice. He said it wasn’t. Get fucked.

They could fuck off and die and I wouldn’t notice.

Nobody has time for humans are bad in aggregate takes. Get specific or GTFO.

I’m dying at the farce quote here. Well done!

Mutant League without the mutants, the myriad sports, and only the overwrought storylines. Bones Justice LIVES!

Love this comment just for the boomer put down.

Thank goodness we arent running out of art or memory.

Yeah, it’s a real daily problem. Those homeless guys are working in shifts!

Bart H. Fargo

Athletic white coward.

Nailed it.