
Give a guy a break for what? Disassociating his agency to the harm he caused? Nah.

Sounds like someone who has made a lot of mistakes they don’t want other people to know about.

As I stated elsewhere, effort to rectify has to be shown. Boohooing on your fucking stream is not that.

Wrecking one marriage makes you an okay guy? Sorry, I’m trying to keep up with how you are doing your analogies.

I get that people don’t like it, but mistakes generally impact other people so the harm mistakes cause is totally a legit way to evaluate people.

Maybe he should. Might make him a better person. It’s something I learned in CBT.

That presupposes effort to fix them, which I’m kinda doubtful on.

Oh, tons!

Also fuck that moustached, mesh hat wearing slapdick. He can get fucked.

He hasn’t gone deep enough into his psyche if these are the words he’s using.

Amen. I cheated on my wife when we first started dating because I wanted to feel like a tomcat and strange pussy wanted me back - that’s part of who I am - an insecure dipwad who needs sexual attention to feel my best. But I learned a valuable lesson on treating people with the respect they deserve if you claim to

Cannibals, at least they’re honest about the sourcing of their meat.

The mistakes we DO make are what defines us. Why doesn’t this dawn on slapdicks, I have no idea.

Catholic kids tend not to be up their ass about the whole thing as much as their guilt dropping moms.

We thought guns would do that.

Okay, no vaginas for you then.

Intensive Purposes? Nah.

Except soccer and basketball go the opposite direction where they purposefully fake getting hurt to seek an advantage, routinely. Flopping/Diving isn’t fun to watch except to derisively point out a gaping hole in the meta of the games.

He routinely has done this kinda stuff since college at the very least. It doesn’t make football any more palatable, it’s just not surprising at all that this happened specifically to Shazier based on everything I’ve watched involving him. No more, no less.

No one in the world is this partisan.