
There’s a meta stat on how many replies are variations on “Pay Your Child Support Joe”

Man, getting lucky businessmen enough rope to hang themselves.

Exactly what I said ;)

Instead of constant hypervigilance we’ve come to expect Mayweather looked like he was under the influence of purple drank for the first few rounds perceiving no threat in McGregor. His style HAD changed.

He’s obviously the most talented Kardashian ever then.

Was chatting with a guy who grew up in Grand Rapids and has followed Mayweather and another who follows boxing in general. Both were like “Mayweather doesn’t even look like he’s trying out there”.

Cause you don’t know boxing.

Last sentence: That’s the point?

Too much dude, too much.

Only way I could afford an unexpected 10% hole in my pocketbook. But yes, I am a masochist as well.

I’d get a boatload of skymiles.

Yes, which causes much bafflement when people refer to the Cardinal Way

Hey, if this was Obama’s Presidency, sure.


And yet the empathy of many Irish for black folks is well...

That’s what I was thinking. This statue has interpretive qualities that define our country.

I think there is a certain type of player where bad beats are part of the adventure and it’s not all about the win. Lord knows I am too fucking old to give a shit about the validation of winning a fucking card game over and over and over again. Give me something interesting, give me something novel.

Pure logic leaves no other conclusion? Cmon.

Reaping a libertarian whirlwind it seems.

Dude, I just stumbled into this article and the resemblance is well...damning. And I don’t know about either LoL or soccer and that’s the point.