
We see tons of room for improvement. Sucks you’re lazy.

I am getting the feeling you served so you could lord over other people with opinions, not so people would be free to have opinions that differ from your own.

Yeah, cold blooded murder by police officers isn’t bad....

You should deconstruct why you feel disrespected and tackle that. Furthermore why don’t you feel more disrespected by the police who take away liberty in cold blood?

A toaster. I legit asked for a 4 slice toaster cause 2 people = 4 slices of toast.

So there’s these things called books...

Even the ones swinging from his jock?

Give it a rest, freak.

There aren’t enough disco bands anymore.

Middle School Dance or Wedding?

People have unrefined and unchallenged palettes?

Could you imagine “Fuck the Chargers” chants having to be bleeped out?

Don’t give away all the secrets right away!

Okay Final Arbiter of What Other People Can and Can’t Do.

Concept’s are similar but not the same

Going out on Thanksgiving is kinda fun once in a while. Even better if it’s a vacation.

Those people will find work elsewhere eventually, Gamestop needs to die.

You could wait till December even.

It is and isn’t

I think most people respect the time that doctors and nurses put in even if doctors can be up their own asses about how important their individual contributions to society are.