
You are drunk. She aint pretty.

Best part of video. Girl with braid who gets on plane and in whisper voice in her mind says to herself “What am I walking into?”

Why can’t I ride on the wing if I pay 5 bucks? Fucking regulations!

It’s a slow process but eventually they’ll get theirs, maybe.

Nazis but they forced our hand.

Ummm, are you sure the plane didnt go down?

You nailed it. I work in tourism and the bending over backwards we do sometimes is insane. But we also aren’t fucking airlines.

What possibly utility did kicking them from the flight for uniform infractions serve? Would the scuttlebutt around the company grow that they don’t actually give a fuck? THE HORROR!

An effort to what gain?

I don’t know if people think it’s okay so much as it’s so obviously wrong it isn’t a point of nuance worth discussing. Multiple times in this thread I’ve seen different people say he should be prosecuted and the discussion has moved to how he could be prosecuted if the girl won’t incriminate him because of what he did.

Thunder and Celtics. What is wrong with you?

Cam Winston. Obviously you are not a ‘Craneiac’


Like you give a shit about north koreans at all. You’d happily sacrifice any number of south koreans and chinese to get rid of Kim Jong Un and the government of NK cause you’re afraid of shit in the future.

Mission Accomplished.

Were you alive in 2002?

Yeah, the Iraqi army wasn’t the problem or are you one of those “Mission Accomplished” folks?

History repeating. Sanctions haven’t work and then we attack them?

Essentially, potential future threat of harm to Americans is more important than potential immediate harm to everyone else. We aren’t the only stakeholders under the threat of harm.