Crank in Audience to Tagline - “So not very?”
Crank in Audience to Tagline - “So not very?”
Healthier isn’t likely but better is subjective
The fear though is what if they enjoy it?
It’s because you must possess wit to form humor. Do you think that anyone who is conservative has the least bit of wits about them?
Why is real life imitating Porky’s
Dude can take most pitchers to a 3-2 count so yes.
He worked for it. The child has not.
To any trans person besides smith, I agree. But smith is such a self indulgent shithead who seemingly makes an effort to take anything and everything as a slight against their personhood and whose pronoun singularly defines their being and subsequent conversations...nah, fuck that noise. At this point its impolite to…
nah, just kinda impolite
And Gays and Bisexuals. Where are they in this?
So the sin is not thinking of a cooler story that dovetails the discrimination faced by non white males in the mid to late 1910s.
But it’s also whitewashing history to include POC in stuff like it was somehow the most egalitarian time to be alive. Either show them being spat upon by the white oppressors of the time sending them off to die needlessly or deal.
WW I - the erasure of Bi Planes is enormous.
At what point does a butt go from an impressive accomplishment to cartoonish overindulgence?
On the spectrum?
The best part is things will be back to normal in no time once the novelty wears off.
Man, what a pitiful tome to your personality.
Who the hell still gets handjobs?
Cause you have dignity in being an adult and not a stupid glutinous child?