
Because remember kids racism is always okay as long as it is against a majority race in a nation by a minority race. That kind of trolling is always okay instead of doing a better job actually explaining your show.

I hear ya buddy. Sadly you are in the minority as people will watch Boruto in mass refusing to let the magic fade quietly. Which would be a dignified ending over a crappy milk more money sequel. Hell people watch Dragonball Super in mass praising it for things they hated in DBZ. When Super is nothing but a nostalgia

Guess I might actually finish it then. I stopped watching one more when they dragged out all those crappy tree dreams. Especially after knowing the manga had ended so they were milking it. Now I can skip to all the none filler.

I am right there with you buddy. My biome never saw ant Chansey or Porygon the entire event. So I lack a decent Blissey for gyms and Porygon 2. I still have never hatched a stinking Lapras either and been playing since near the start of the game. Since it is tied to a friggin biome again my area will see none. The

I was excited as I loved the look but rapidly lost interest at the loss of features and cost. :(

I’d care but having insurance has never done anything for me. It literally covered none of my problems even after the ACA was passed. So either way I am still hosed.

This is the honest truth about it. These boxes were created to separate you from your money and nothing else. They invoke the gambling reflex in people and it gets you addicted. Yet they are not governed by any gambling laws on payouts, etc.

Back when not every weapon needed to be realistic just balanced and fun. You could call it a newb weapon all you wanted but an experienced player was going to kill you be shooting off a wall never at you.

This is... really pathetic.

 This is some grade A nightmare fuel.

I agree. This type of harassment isn’t acceptable. It doesn’t matter even if they were the reason why it is wrong. As you stated though it is a massive team and there was no way it was her fault.

I’d need to see more because Netflix doesn’t have the greatest record when it comes to this. They tend to swing to extreme CGI discarding the identity that made the older series. Just take a look at their new Cyber 009 which was generic cable CGI that killed the personality of everything and looked terrible.

He could have waited until there was more of them and less super high priced Ebay demand.

It will never happen because Miyamoto is stubborn. He believes Star Fox only succeeded in the past based off of gimmicks. That it didn’t stand up on its own merits at all. So they keep shoving in gimmicks like Krystal or motion controls. All rather then just making a solid game based on the simple core.

Aka. Money money money money terrible money money we just money money money garbage show for money money money. We’d sell our own mothers for more Naruto money.

I can relate to this and it is bloody annoying. People say you can predict it by looking at the marker but sometimes weather can change 4 times in a day and time passes by pretty fast. Either way it doesn’t matter as it does rain way too much.

We all knew it would be shit and we know everyone who sees it will bitch about it as well. They will never buy any but the original the only good one and sometimes the second because they wanted so bad for it to be good. I’ve never met anyone or hell seen anyone admit to buying any of these.

I honestly love that it isn’t linked to achievements as well. It is refreshing to just find them for fun and if you miss one oh.. well! There is no pressure and nobody checking your profile to be a jerk.

It really is sad how many assholes or dick moves are made by the people at Nintendo you never hear about. It is just pathetic sometimes. =/

You can add me to this list as well. My left Joy-Con arrived with a dead battery and I thought nothing of it. Yet after 10 hours of gameplay it started to just go wonky. It would randomly just go off sending my character every direction and it got me killed a ton. Wal-Mart did let me exchange it for one at the store.