
He was good last night but no more than average in this series.

Huh? If a goal is called, play stops; it is only when a goal is not called that it might continue. If a goal is called and there is a review, play doesn't start till the review is over.

“Raunchy" would apply to the portrayal of Versailles, not Versailles itself. You'd have a raunchy show about a whorehouse, but you wouldn't say a whorehouse is raunchy.

The news here is not the people who acted in a civil way as we might expect people to, but those who acted maniacally and menacingly. News is about the exceptional.

Of course, this backlash over safe spaces is mostly just an excuse for assholes—many of whom have no need to ever step foot on a college campus—to continue being assholes.”

Not everyone with a moustache looks like Jim Rome, whose 'stache isn't e3ven like that one. He is more a ringer for Keith Hernandez.

OK, then. Who controls New York, Chicago (two metros with among the highest tobacco taxes), Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Washington? The Whigs? My point is that these folks are total hypocrites, laying a huge tax burden on the poor folks they claim to champion (in New York, some poor people spend half

Indeed. The savings claimed for tobacco prevention efforts are wildly exaggerated. Plus, the big city Democrats who tax the shit out of tobacco—laying the biggest burden on the poor people who smoke the most—in the name of health are utterly dependent on tobacco tax revenue to fund the government.

I'm going with my insurance company: It's the tailgater's fault. Why the fuck are you tailgating if you are going to crash when the guy in front hits his brakes for any reason, legit or brake-check? Grow up.

Going to neutral at a stop and taking foot off brake on flat ground will extend the lifetime of the brake light bulbs. I don't like it when those go out.

1. This story does not demonstrate that Uber was lying about rapes. It is a dispute about search methodology. 2. People have posted lists dozens of times on Gawker about rapes and assaults by taxi drivers. Google will do the job for you. Defending rape? No. Questioning whether there is any statistically sound evidence

Sorry, but they treat this customer great. I wouldn’t use them all the time if they didn’t

Don't say that. The Gawker line is, who cares if the monopoly cab system is awful. Like the old bread lines in Soviet Europe, at least it's awful for everyone, and we like it that way.

“Really, only the biggest cities ..." So what you are saying is the taxi system is better and safer, except for the thousands of cabs and millions of rides that are not. Plus, in undispatched taxi rides, the taxi is less safe for trackability, because there is zero record of the trip.

Except that regular taxi drivers also generally glorified independent contractors and lease their cabs from medallion owners. And there are plently of misfits among their ranks too.

Yes, we tried monopoly-license cabs, and they sucked and still do, and yet all the Gawker types defend them and vilify Uber. Well, somebody likes Uber, because it is successful. I just spent a week in a Florida city and Uber was a godsend. I could get a clean car quickly, sometimes cheaper than a cab, sometimes not

The animus toward Uber here is bewildering. Of course it looks like Uber has a special problem when you report only on Uber incidents and not those involving taxi drivers, which are not hard to find.

This just looks like a case of blithering incompetence. With the Rolling Stone article on UVa, it was a case of an agenda leading to blindness and a story too good to check. Then they went to the absurd step of having the Columbia journalism school report on "what went wrong," as if it wasn't clear, when any newspaper

But if they think it is so egregious, how did it possibly get published in the first place?

A "chief of staff" to an unelected first lady for 170K and unaccountable to anyone but her? Is there a job description? Ridiculous. For that salary (plus the generous benefits), she could have an actual staff of two or three with qualifications to carry out her initiative.