yeah i mean, look, i cant diagnose anyone but when i read comments like this i cant help but think about ‘more about alcoholism’ when bill describes the ways in which we tried to curb our drinking.
yeah i mean, look, i cant diagnose anyone but when i read comments like this i cant help but think about ‘more about alcoholism’ when bill describes the ways in which we tried to curb our drinking.
for the very large majority of us that have quit drinking, we tried cutting back a million times. very, very few people will go right to abstinence. if you’re an alcoholic you physically cant cut back
Elizabeth Warren is the biggest fucking fraud in American politics. She supports affirmative action but then exploits it as a privileged white person who pretended to be Native American to advance herself and stuff her pockets. She rails against Wall Street lenders exploiting under water mortgage holders but on the…
She followed that up by behaving exactly as a person who wants the VP job. I think it’s fair to speculate given that.
Everyone, everywhere always says they’re not interested in the position of VPOTUS. Until they take it.
Yeah. Lol. Never thought a wallet could look like that....
I didn’t know Georgia O’Keefe made wallets now.
oh....that’s....that’s a wallet
Indeed, no amount of PSAs and notices on airline web pages are going to make people not be asshats in the security line. IT Security has to deal with the realities of human behavior ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
That’s not how hockey works at all!
“it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals.”
Ugh, yeah, we need a new category, instead of bridezilla, for brides who think they’re doing everything differently and aren’t. I was one of those (I like to think, to a slightly lesser degree, but perhaps not); I was all, I don’t want to make my bridesmaids buy new dresses! I don’t want them to exactly match! Just,…
If you think that's funny, you should see Trump try and palm a basketball.
He’ll fit right it. He’s already spent spent nearly 2 years upstate.
You’re a very dumb person.
that’s the most millenial hipster shit i have ever heard
Weird, he usually posts up as a left wing.
More like kissing it off the Glass-Steagall Act
Most skill by a 74-year old playing basketball outside of Kobe Bryant.