+1, re: Feckless Rube. Thanks :)
+1, re: Feckless Rube. Thanks :)
Starred out of the grays to allow the stone throwers a better target.
I’m with you, it’s like the company mission statement is “Wouldn’t it be F@cking Cool if...”
Dude... you don’t even know? Short shorts are in
The closer you are to death the more alive you feel
You know what the dumbest part is? The guy calls the number on the truck so they have his phone number. And then he smashes the mirror.
They don’t need gears, their name pulls enough G’s to get from 0-186-0 in less than 20s by itself.
The Lexus dealer had a very smart worker there: spend the 400 now, get the 20k in a car sale when Doug's father upgrades next time!
No — I am Lexusblind.
That’s exactly right.
For you! Lexus sells hundreds of thousands of cars each year to people who disagree with you.
With an opinion like that, I have to ask, have you ever actually driven a kart?
That’s the thing, though - the phrase is so ubiquitous that it would be the first thing to spring to mind for a good chunk of the North American population
I think the proper term you were looking for was, “Look at the flick of that wrist”
Sarcas-dick ?
“Virginia, all of it.”
A dark cloud is on the horizon, Mr. Frodo.
I’ve always found that Raph and Torch have very similar, yet unique brands of humour. It doesn’t help that they’re both part of the extremely narrow niche of “weird car fetishists who work at Jalopnik.”