Just take your smartphone, put the video you want to share on the screen, and try to throw the phone up into a cloud.
Just take your smartphone, put the video you want to share on the screen, and try to throw the phone up into a cloud.
Did you not see the off-duty officer come running over and start flashing his badge to the crowd gathering around the driver at the end?
I'm getting slightly more excited about this. I mean, at the very least, it's gotta be better than the Joey spin-off.
With this addition of Matt LeBlanc to the cast the BBC also announced that they will be changing the name of the show from Top Gear to Always Stuck In Second Gear.
Oh the humanity of people following you on Twitter, who you don’t like. I’m just glad you were able to get through it in one piece.
In other news, miners trapped underground for 36 days in China were freed. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asi…
Maybe you guys can catch up and swap tales of suffering. You can explain what…
OK, we get it, you’re a boring fuck by choice... you can go away now.
Using profanity is definitely understandable when you’re describing instances where your car got totaled on a car enthusiast blog.
Nice try, but you obviously cropped out the part she pushes his arm to get by. Therefore the ‘Reaction’.
she’s going to be a host, not decoration.
I just wish someone had written up a post on the Hellcats. They were virtually ignored by the Jalopnik staff.
Anyone else notice that it appears to be a 5 cyl.
Is that Matt Farah back when he had hair?
EMCC are not acting like a bunch of Einsteins.
I don’t know, isn’t it pretty much the case that ALL greek philanthropy kind of requires other greeks to do the heavy lifting? In my sorority, we had anchor splash/smash and it was 95% fraternities who were involved, coordinating costumes/routines/raising money/etc. Our sorority participated in Derby Days (it was…
Note the apex-clipping line at around 0:36. I can’t drive a car on an average track as well she rides a bike on one of the toughest :)
nope, NO RULES this is street style commenting.