
“wasn’t anything standing between Dany and the the throne EXCEPT for Jon who she must believe will inevitably be crowned king by people who would prefer a local boy.”

Since when do the people get a say in it? At most, some Lords do and she’s already established she’d burn them alive for choosing wrong. 

Green” was okay, felt a little overproduced. I liked the messier Maladroit that followed. But you’re not wrong that some of the songs on Pinkerton haven’t aged well. Still my favorite. 

It’s nice to hear about someone who puts a lot of work into seemingly little roles, and it works out for her.

“Nation Of Islam leader Louis Farrakhn (who, as CNN puts it, is “notorious for using anti-Semitic language).”

Is he still around?? Is he still actively spewing anti-semetic shit, or is this just so they can claim to be Fair and Balanced (tm).

Honestly asking. 

Extract what money? They haven’t loaned Daenerys any money.

While the stationary troops hold the line, the Dothraki (and the dragons for that matter) strafe them from the sides. That way you have all your forces attacking simultaneously from two directions, instead of breaking up your already numerically inferior forces into even more inferior forces.

Now, I literally have no military background, but still I can figure this makes more sense:

“Why was the Iron Bank was so eager to loan to Cersei when her biggest threat was the daughter of the Mad King who possessed (at the time) three dragons? Is everyone in the world stupid except for Cersei?”

Seriously. The only reason to loan her money was to double-down to try to get back a larger, outstanding loan

What, they don’t have cell phones? Can’t call for help?

I worked at a school that once allowed a teacher to move into the dorms. He was (of course) sleeping with students. But hey, he had great course evals, right up until he hung himself (in the dorms).

“I honestly have no idea why anyone was expecting some big grand reveal about the Night King.”

Because his enemy was human memory? Wasn’t that the reason he was so fixated on getting to Bran/Three Eyed Raven? That would seem to imply there’s something in that memory that’s threatening to him.

I'm very disappointed we didn't learn anything about them beyond "children of the forest super weapon gone wrong." Not even why the Three Eyed Raven was his mortal enemy. All of Bran's new information seems to revolve solely around the Iron Throne, nothing useful on the Night King. 

Carnivale is unforgivable.

Considering both this show, and even the modern reality of children with distressed family life or who live on their own, it is absolutely astounding her character made it to 18 without being sexually exploited.

Who on earth read this and said: “yeah, that sounds fun, let me give that a try!”

And hey, remind me again, what happened of Sam’s mission to study at the Citadel and learn about the White Walkers? What was in those forbidden texts that was so essential? We’ve not heard a peep, the only significance of Sam’s extended detour to the Citadel has been discovering Aegon’s annulment and remarraige. Was

Yeah, I definitely think some of it comes from her petite/child-like appearance. Watching it, I immediately assumed they used a body double. I don’t even know how old I thought she was, at least a couple years younger.

I guess it depends on what you think of Batman.

Our house had some decade old alarm system. I hated it because my room had a sliding glass door, and it would be easy for me to sneak out if not for the alarm which my parents set at night (and the beeps any other time a door was opened.