
How did you get a cab as an unaccompanied 7 year old??

How does that make any sense? Your attorney is crooked, so let’s cut you a sweetheart deal including no admission of wrongdoing. Heck, go run around in the media and declare vindication, what do we care?

Ahh, so this the origin story of the MPDG. After the “magical negro” helps her, she pays it forward as a MPDG.

The “Manic Pixie Dream Girl” is most problematic because she exists solely to help a male protagonist, with no more depth or desires than to help some man she just met move forward. At least this seems to be about a woman trying to figure her self out.

Thanks for including that HIStory trailer. I LOVE to show that to people that, to illustrate the completely unchecked ego of peak Michael Jackson.

Problem is, you don’t want to waste the time writing the longer, thoughtful well argued email if they’re just going to straight to the intern or ignored pile.

That sounds like hell. Literal hell.

Also reminds me too much of my job.

I’m a Professor, and the bane of my existence is the hysterical fuckwits who run to Vice-Deans and cry and moan and make a scene until they get the grade they are convinced they deserve.

No, I take it back, the fucking Chilis’ manager-style

“While it’s unclear why Helgemo was using testosterone and what sort of advantage it would confer to a bridge player, a study found “winners of chess tournaments show higher T levels than do losers.” 
If that is the motive, someone needs to take a remedial course in correlation and causation.

I’ve run into several fraudulent rental listings on Craiglist. They take photos from a realtors’ website, post it on Craigslist have some lame excuse bout being out of the country. “Mail us the deposit, and I’ll mail you the keys.” “Just go peak in the windows if you want to look at the place.”

I guess people have

Only in Chicago, ruiner of foods.

I mean, once you know it’s just some polite guy named Drew, how scared can you be anymore?

I think that’s right. These people either don’t have insurance, or have insurance that considers these procedures “cosmetic” and doesn’t cover them. First genie I free from a lamp, I’m wishing horns on to every big-wig in the insurance industry.

I have literally put the song “Serpents” on loop and just listened to it for an hour straight. More than once.

That is all.

Yeah, Cleveland PD doesn’t have the best rep these days. Even before Serial Season 3.

Plea it down??? He’s confessed to 2 murders and a kidnapping. He’s getting a life sentence, guaranteed. Minnesota hasn’t had the death penalty in over 100 hundred years, but I’d consider it more likely that they reverse that just to kill him than he ever sees daylight as a free man again.

“callers said they saw the 311 approach as “a way of avoiding conflict.””

This could be face-saving BS, but maybe there’s something to build off there. As a White Person™, I’m familiar with the passive-aggressive bullshit. Maybe it’s actually possible to educate them that “avoiding conflict” is really “outsourcing

“Lizzo makes me happy. That is all.”

On his second heart!!

I’m sure that was awful for the parents, and I can sympathize. But what do you expect from the Catholic Church?? It’s longstanding doctrine that suicide is a mortal sin. A one-way ticket to hell.