
Calabogie is a local track and one I’ve driven on a few times in HPDEs. This looks like it happened at “the Kink”, where some cars can go flat but most brake slightly before the first main right. It’s a good thing it happened at the front straight because there is not any visibility at the back of the track and it can

Someone needs to write the screenplay about what happened in the sitcom just before this happens.

What’s the over/under for the first owner to crash one? On one hand, it’s possible more owners will be experienced drivers, but on the other... just look how many times we’ve thought that before.

“I just cranked it down with that, uh, ratchet over there, but I gave it an extra 1/4 turn, just to be sure.”

Once the roof contains enough solar panels to support “idling”, you might be in business. In fact, that might already be the case.

So how do you explain that damage to the boss?

For those thinking the price was a little high, there was a GM employee’s V wagon up a while back and the owner came on here specifically to say that the price is set to ward off those tire kickers who aren’t serious. Presumably it’s the same here, where you can talk the buyer down once you show you’re serious.

So is there a legit reason the 2.0 turbo is such a common displacement value? Is it taxes in other countries or is something like a 2.2 L engine just doesn’t have the right value?

Was that after they found out you wrote a book?

Any way to watch that online without resorting to torrents?

How many times did the frame bend in that video?

Had the good fortune to be on the ramp at Oshkosh a number of years ago when a C5 came in for the display. Despite having a Canadian passport, my dad and I were walking planes from the taxiway to the show area and I got to stand on the outside of the caution tape to watch it hook up and go. It’s huge coming in for a

All of these different articles make it pretty clear that the reason old new Top Gear worked is not just a single element. The humour and details that made it great came directly from Clarkson and Wilman, with the chemistry between hosts being the thing that made it super enjoyable to watch. The BBC can try to find

You’re right about autonomous/remote controlled. There are different levels of automation so perhaps they’ll use the humans as “coaches” and use the data for complete autonomy in the future.

Since you specifically mention US cars, any word about the rest of North America?

My parents aren’t really all that into cars, so it wasn’t until I went to university and was surrounded by likeminded engineering students that I started to get interested in it. Combine that with finding season 12 of Top Gear and Jalopnik, and now I’m hooked.

This weekend I attacked my brakes by installing some upgraded pads and OEM rotors. It was pretty intimidating to start, but after learning with the left side, the right side was pretty straightforward. Unfortunately I was beaten on Sunday when I tried to do the rears by a seized caliper bolt, but it’s still very

I thought you’d say the Library of Congress is going to be replaced by single SSD hard drive passed around on a mailing list.

Very cool story. How do you plan to fix the battery drain, if at all? Is it something that you couldn’t do on the road/trail?