
Do you remember what season that was from?

Challenge accepted.

Would Raptor racing on this surface be better than road racing on the finished track?

That's a vehicle I wouldn't mind driving.

Having driven for only about 6 years, my list of borrowed cars mostly includes family vehicles. Driving my dad's 2001 VW Passat was cool, until the battery died at school.

What you did there, I sees it.


Don't worry... Waterloo hardly places in the competitions anyways :D

Dude totally. No one even close to that good looking in eng at Ryerson in Toronto... especially on our FSAE team!

I'm on my first car, as owning a vehicle while I was still at university was out of the question.

I hear other states are planning on implementing Whacking Day soon, too.

I really like where the new 5 series has gone aesthetically, and this car just screams awesome.

What an incredible story. The part that I find more incredible, as a mechanical engineer, is that nearly half the structural integrity of the plane disappeared and yet the floor structure held the entire plane together. Kudos to Boeing and all the engineers in the aircraft industry for contributing to the safest form

That's a common problem with nearly every sport.

Why not use [distance]/[money to reach said distance] as a comparison unit?

So even back when the show aired, what could the BBC have done?

Engineering is just guessing to 5 decimal places.