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If no one signs him, corporate pitchman for all Pizza Hut franchises?

Shame on Dora.

Musk should have invested some of that brainpower into Juicero 2.0.

Way to be Putin your foot in your mouth, Rudy.

C’mon, Costco... the employee’s first name is Robin.

My plan for this year was to step up my physical activity a bit, which was aided by the addition of a rescued dog and a re-homed dog to my family. With these two, getting up at o’dark thirty for a long walk each day is a necessity.

I don’t think you could have found a more perfect foil for Rodney than Ted Knight.

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Recently found footage notes that the landlord was more concerned with the parking lot than the parlor.

Weren’t the Dred-Locks Zartan’s cronies in G.I. Joe the cartoon?

You could always just get a bag of Bugles and you’ll not only have your salt, but also a tiny corn ice cream cone to boot!

He fought himself in a mirror again, didn’t he?

Oh, the scruffy upright hog has had “a hell of a year?”

I thought the dudes in the photo were Tommy Shaw, Dorian Gray-era Bill Belichick, and middle-aged nondescript white guy from iStock.

I don’t know if I would call CFA’s music “Christian rock” per se.

Yes, once.

And there are no bums in Cypress Creek. And if there were, they wouldn’t rush, they’d be allowed to go at their own pace.

Not the first time Cameo has been linked to the code word, no matter where you say it you know that you’ll be heard.

I’m sorry but what was that commercial for again?

I can’t remember any black teachers in elementary school, but I do remember having several in middle school. One language arts teacher had such a personal mission for us to erase the word “um” from our spoken word that she had the whole class say “ummm!” in unison whenever someone would say it. Thank you, Mrs. Hanks.