Whiskered Sot

It’s playing at the Prince here in Philly but not at a convenient time. I may have to suck it up and catch the 8:45 on a weeknight.

I first saw the trailer before Baby Driver and scoffed at the notion that anyone was clamoring for a Flatliners remake.

Help me out. My understanding of who/whom leads me to think the latter should be used in the heading since a noun rather than a verb follows.

I recall Margot Kidder’s RR response about the one she was suckered into doing, something like, “piss off, I’m not one of you.”

Do it at the red light, jeez.

I dunno, he’s got a full head of gray hair like I do.

C. Thomas.

“God lets everything happen for a reason”

I’m open to a lesbian remake of Sleeping with the Enemy.

Aw jeez, now don’t I look stupid. Oops.

The only Primus song I can name is “The Perfect Crime” and that’s only because it’s on the Bogus Journey soundtrack.


I use my powers sparingly.

HDS’s last movie directed by Norm Son-of-a-Gunderson? Yes please.

Parkland had its moments but could’ve been better, criticism that could also apply to this movie, it appears.

I really miss the “block” option.

It was years before I realized Tuba Girl was the sister in Election.

You take them both and what do you have?

Kinja still not loading on my portable devices. All I get are the three gray pulsating circles.

He puts the gross in grossly obese.