Whiskered Sot

Since when and fucking HOW did the Democrats ignore the black consitituency? Go ahead I’ll fucking wait because Hilary spent way more fucking time in Baltimore than she did in fucking Wisconsin. She spent far more time in Detroit than in the Suburbs.

What’s a bath without bubbles?

You have to click on the linked Sunday Times article, which you can’t read unless you are a Sunday Times subscriber, so no fucking clue. Maybe try a pop culture and entertainment news site that isn’t turning into absolute garbage.

Evidently, that one guy in the center of the photo didn’t get the memo about the shoes. 

The ACA was subject to 47 public hearings and roundtables before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and another 53 before the Senate Finance Committee. It underwent a monthlong marking up in the bipartisan HELP Committee before being brought to the floor for a vote. There, it was debated for 25

What fools we were! Oh, if only all us here at the AV Club would’ve listened to your words of wisdom back whenever the fuck it is you’re talking about, America wouldn’t be in this mess right now!

I say we do what we did with the crack epidemic: criminalize the fuck out of it and raise the penalties for getting caught with opioids to a mandatory 25 years....wait, it’s hurting mostly white people in the Midwest, shit, it’s a public health crisis then

I largely agree with the review, but the byline does not scream “musical authority”.

This used to be a nice community, pre-Kinja. The number of assholes has increased exponentially, however. Now it seems to be a community of trollish dicks.

I hadn’t noticed the byline until you pointed it out. Pang is the same guy who doesn’t like Pet Sounds because “all the songs end on a fade-out, which has always felt like a songwriting cop-out.” So yeah, feel free to disregard anything he says about music ever.

Did you find the vinyl flavor to be warmer compared to CDs?

They have a food guy writing music reviews.

I’m not trying to offend anyone here though.” 

Trumpies voted for a gassy obese orange teevee game show host, they have no credibility as functional members of society who merit basic human respect. They’re like mold, fungus or bacteria...they’re technically “alive” in a sense but not as we understand it. Anyone who looked at or listened to that repugnant jiggling

25th Hour is mostly white people and still really good.

The man overcame slavery and blindness. I’m sure he can handle a bunch of idiots on Twitter.

That DID NOT look like a foot when I first scrolled down...

This is great. After this, I can’t wait until they finish privatizing the military! Then they’ll do the same with police and fire departments. “Someone broke into your house and is now trying to stab you? I’m sorry, sir. You don’t have a subscription with us. What? No, we’ll need to conduct a credit check and collect

That's weird, the internet says the same thing about you.

Oh man, HE GOT GAME wins the "intrusive score" award hands down. There are scenes where you're straining to hear the dialogue or even follow the scene because the MUSIC IS YELLING AT YOU ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF FATHERS AND FORGIVENESS.